ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 1 (82)Study of the formation of emotional connection in the motherchild pair during pregnancy
Title of the article Study of the formation of emotional connection in the motherchild pair during pregnancy
Authors Bozhuk Olena
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 1 (82) Pages 65-68
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89: Index BBK -
Abstract The aim of the study was to investigate the formation of emotional communication in the mother — child pair during pregnancy; determine the need for medical and psychological assistance, scope and targets. The study was conducted at the prenatal maternity hospital Chernihiv clinic of Chernihiv City Council and Public non-commercial enterprise "Consultation and Diagnostic Center" of Holosiivs'kyi district, Kyiv. 185 persons were examined. The criteria for stratifi cation of respondents turned out the fear to future delivery. In the first phase of the study were conducted clinical interviews and psychodiagnostic test. During the clinical interview was assessed psychological readiness form other hood. Based on the results of the study were made the following conclusions. In group 1 women have optimal treatment for pregnancy, result in gin fewer options dominant anxiety pregnancy (8 % vs. 21 %) and lack depressed (group 2 — 3 %). The proportion of violations of attachment mother to fetus is more in women group 1 (12 % vs. 8 % group 2). Destructive reproductive motivation a represent in both groups. Subjective perception by pregnant of their own experiences and level of becoming of motherhood does not meet the identifi ed objective indicators. According to the results, we can conclude that the provision of medical and psychological assistance is appropriate for women in both groups in varying degrees.
Key words reproductive motivation, emotional attachment, psychological component gestating dominant, pregnancy, maternity, paternity
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