ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 1 (82)Relationship between fatigue and sexual function disorder in multiple sclerosis patients
Title of the article Relationship between fatigue and sexual function disorder in multiple sclerosis patients
Authors Radzikhovska Nataliia
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 1 (82) Pages 55-58
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.8-009.17:[616.69 +618.17-008]: 616.832-004.2 Index BBK -
Abstract The objective of study is to discover relationship between fatigue and sexual function disorder (SF) in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). The research was of complex/comprehensive nature. There were 123 MS patients (63 female and 60 male) examined and partners of 63 female patients interviewed. The average age of patients was 32.9 ± 6.6 years. The patients were tested with anonymous questionnaires by scale in order to measure the SF (MFSQ, IIEF, SEAR) and fatigue (MFIS). 74.8 % of patients, 37 (61.7 %) males and 55 (87.3 %) females had a SF disorder, which emerged in decreased sexual desire and arousal, orgasm disorder. Deterioration of sexual relationships were observed in 35.7 % of patients, 22 of whom (36.7 %) were males and 20 (31.7 %) females with MS. 96.7 % of patients showed signs of fatigue. 35 % male and 30.2 % female patients showed minor signs of fatigue, 51.7 % male and 42.9 % female patients — medium signs; 3.3 % male and 7.9 % female patients — the most acute symptoms. All patients with fatigue symptoms had SF disorder. Male patients with fatigue symptoms demonstrated statistically signifi cant decrease of SF by all factors except physical pleasure from intercourse and overall satisfaction from sexual relations. Female patients experienced SF deterioration infl uenced by fatigue and statistically signifi cant reduction of sexual desire. Therefore, under infl uence of fatigue both male and female MS patients demonstrated deterioration of SF and sexual relationships with partners.
Key words multiple sclerosis, sexual function, fatigue
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