ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 1 (82)Psychodiagnostic approach to personality assessment of military men
Title of the article Psychodiagnostic approach to personality assessment of military men
Authors Vovk Victoriia
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 1 (82) Pages 69-72
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616-053.7:616.89-008.486:355 Index BBK
Abstract In article results are reported for application of the MMPI (SMIL) Questionnaire to study the structure of personality peculiarities of military men. Fifty-six military men were examined including 24 persons with clinically confi rmed disorders of neurotic spectrum, 20 persons with various personality and behavioral disorders, 12 persons with diff erent psychotic disorders including ones in the form of brief episodes. The control group consisted of military men without any impairment of the mental sphere (18 persons). The application of the SMIL Questionnaire in the exa mined groups confi rmed the existed pathopsychological disorders and gave a precise diff erentiation of the studied nosological samples. The SMIL application allows determining of groups of "nosological risk" and referring of "problem" persons for an additional examination. The data obtained might be used for development of therapeutic tactics for military men, for expertise as well as for development of psycho-preventive and psycho-hygienic measures.
Key words psychodiagnostic examination, military men, pathopsychological peculiarities, personality peculiarities
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