ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 1 (82)Motivation of the alcohol consumption in military personnel with adaptation disorders who were discharged during the reformation of the Armed Forces
Title of the article Motivation of the alcohol consumption in military personnel with adaptation disorders who were discharged during the reformation of the Armed Forces
Authors Sukachova Olga
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 1 (82) Pages 104-108
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 613.816:616-003.96:355/359-05 Index BBK -
Abstract The article deals with the problem, which is currently very topical. Since there are few studies on the addictive activity in adaptation disorders (AD) in military personnel discharged from the Armed Forces. Based on a comparative study of the characteristics of the motivational features of alcohol by the former military personnel with AD and by those who have no such disorder (diff erentiated based on the result of the use of AUDIT-test), the information about the structure of motives of alcohol consumption (MAC) and levels of motivational intensity of consumption is received. Found that former military personnel who after leaving the Armed Forces displayed signs of AD and had experience in the alcohol consumption on the preclinical stage of AD is attributable to military service. Structure of the MAC was characterized as extremely non-pathological. At the time of seeking medical help structure of the MAC has undergone a transformation due to changes in the hierarchy of motives, by including in the framework of MAC pathological motives of self-harm. At the same time, a significant proportion of former military personnel with AD (44,44 %) have dangerous pattern of the alcohol consumption, which is characterized by severe motivational tension. The research data is important both for understanding the process of formation of an addictive pattern in the structure of the adaptive disorder, and for the knowledge of the ways of forming comorbid pathology.
Key words adaptation disorders, military personnel, alcohol, motivation of alcohol consumption
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