ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 1 (82)Mechanisms of psychological defense in womens addicted to alcohol with deviant sex-role stereotype behavior (according to the medical criteria)
Title of the article Mechanisms of psychological defense in womens addicted to alcohol with deviant sex-role stereotype behavior (according to the medical criteria)
Authors Arkhipenko Olena
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 1 (82) Pages 59-63
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.442-055.2:178.1 Index BBK -
Abstract Repertoire and intensity of psychological defense in women addicted to alcohol with expressed clinical variability of gender-role stereotype behavior have been studied. Addicted women with gender-role deviations of nontranssexual behavior were found to actively use gender-typical, genderatypical and neutral forms of defensive behavior while healthy women without gender-role deviations use exclusively gender-typical forms of defense. Repertoire of psychological defense in addicted women with gender-role transformation includes neutral and gender-atypical forms of defense with prevalence of gender-atypical forms such as intellectualization and suppression. Protective repertoire of hyper-role addicted women includes neutral and gender-typical forms of defense with prevalence of gender-typical forms such as regression, compensation and reactive states. We have drown a conclusion that deviation or distortion of repertoire and intensity of gender-typical defense in women addicted to alcohol with gender- role deviations of non-transsexual behavior could be considered as an indicator of existent deviations from normative models of gender-role behavior and indicate inadequate adoption of gender-role identifi cation.
Key words psychological forms of defense, women, alcohol addiction, masculinity, femininity, gender-role stereotype behavior
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