ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 1 (82)Concept of medical and psychological assistance in pediatric cardiac surgery clinic
Title of the article Concept of medical and psychological assistance in pediatric cardiac surgery clinic
Authors Kasianova Anastasiia Yuriivna
Markova Marianna
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 1 (82) Pages 87-89
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008-053.2+616.12-089-053.2-092 Index BBK -
Abstract A fast progressing of cardiosurgery allows for 85 % of children with congenital heart disease (CHD) to live to the adulthood. But taking into consideration the need of early surgical treatment and the risks of physical and social restrictions throughout their lives, the researchers are ever more focused on the development of psychosocial assistance programs for the CHD patients. The parents expecting the CHD child birth can suff er from the psychological stress. Our preliminary data demonstrate a high risk of confl icts and divorces as well as diffi culties in shaping an adequate interaction within the mother — child system at the early stages of development. The foreign study indicates that the implementation of psychoeducation, parents' skill training and narrative therapy has improved the CHD children psychodevelopment, the breastfeeding and reduced maternal worries and anxiety. Therefore our study was aimed at developing the concept of medical and psychological assistance to the families with CHD children.
Key words children, congenital heart disease, psychological assistance
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