ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 1 (82)Comparative analysis of modifi cation (due to prenatal infl uence), and genetic components of the predisposition to the induction of autoimmune demyelinating pathology in the rats of diff erent sex with the family history of multiple sclerosis, maternally
Title of the article Comparative analysis of modifi cation (due to prenatal infl uence), and genetic components of the predisposition to the induction of autoimmune demyelinating pathology in the rats of diff erent sex with the family history of multiple sclerosis, maternally
Authors Geyko Valentyna
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 1 (82) Pages 29-31
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.832-004.2-056.7:599.323.4:612. Index BBK -
Abstract The aim was to determine the environmental and genetic components to ensure the risk of sexual characteristics of experimental multiple sclerosis and comparative analysis was carried out to access the susceptibility and resistance to induction of autoimmune encephalomyelitis in siblings of the 1st generation of immunized female rats under various conditions of their antenatal and postnatal development, coupled with the periods of illness and remission in mother. In assessing the risk of hereditary the essential role of epigenetic inheritance in female rats was shown, along with males, which are characterized by the predominance of the actual genetic component, which is probably can indicate on the need to consider the type and severity of demyelinating disease, as well as its therapeutic sensitivity and plasticity at the planning stage of pregnancy in patients with multiple sclerosis in order to reduce the expression of hereditary in progeny.
Key words experimental multiple sclerosis, family history of multiple sclerosis, posterity, phenotypical dispersion, related risk
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