ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 1 (82)Clinically-psychophenomenological characteristic of pathopersonological transformation in cohort of patients suff ering from hypertensive disease
Title of the article Clinically-psychophenomenological characteristic of pathopersonological transformation in cohort of patients suff ering from hypertensive disease
Authors Zaseda Yurii Igorovych
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 1 (82) Pages 81-86
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 159.923:616.89-008.48-02:616.12-008.991.1]-052-07 Index BBK -
Abstract As the most common form of cardiovascular disease nosology, hypertensive disease performs an initial pathogenetic factor in the development of a broad cluster of somatic and psychopathological disorders, determining the progressive increase in morbidity and mortality lesion is contingent, with increasing duration of the disease. One of the most likely hypotheses increase of vascular tone in the hypertensive disease pathogenesis are psychogenic stress response, determining the activation sympathoadrenal system within the universal adaptive response to stress, which in the future, under the conditions of its stress reinforcement and constitutional predisposition of the individual acquires a stable pathological. These data allow us to rank the cluster hypertensive disease psychosomatic pathonosological forms in respect of which the priority is the use of psychotherapeutic methods of correction and prevention, as an adjunct to standard protocols pharmacotherapy. To study of the variability of the unificated psychophenomenological profile in the cohort of patients suff ering from hypertensive disease, a study was conducted of 60 patients with hypertensive disease (basic group), and 100 apparently healthy individuals (control group) using clinically-psychophenomenological, psychodiagnostic, clinically-psychopathological and statistical methods as well as methods of analysis and synthesis. Non-priority, acceptable and priority phenomena in relation to the eff ect of psychotherapy were revealed.
Key words clinically-psyho phenome no logical method, psyhophenomeno logical profi le, psychosomatic disorders, hypertensive disease
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