ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 1 (82)Adrenergic activity erythrocyte membranes in the dynamics of complex therapy dyscirculatory encephalopathy using EHF-autohaemotherapy
Title of the article Adrenergic activity erythrocyte membranes in the dynamics of complex therapy dyscirculatory encephalopathy using EHF-autohaemotherapy
Authors Nosatov Andrii
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 1 (82) Pages 49-53
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.831-02:[615.36+615.849.11] Index BBK -
Abstract Purpose of research — the study of the state of adrenergic activity of erythrocyte membranes of patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy (DE) in the dynamics of complex therapy with the use of EHF-autohemotherapy to assess its eff ectiveness. During therapy eff ectiveness of the method was evaluated 2 method, EHF-dielectrometry and method for measuring osmotic resistance of erythrocyte membranes under the infl uence of β-blockers. Measurements were performed using erythrocytes of healthy donors of both sexes of 28—35 years (n = 10) and patients with DE I st. (n = 58), and II st. (n = 66) of both sexes, aged from 45 to 71 years. Found that parameters β-ARM apparently healthy donors are in the normal range. For patients with DE figure β-ARM exceeds the normal 2—3 times, and corresponds to a low degree adrenoreactivity, i. e. indicates a reduced ability to bind adrenoceptor blocker (p < 0.05). The studies revealed that the dynamics of electrophysical characteristics of the blood depends on the physiological condition of the patient. In patients with varying degrees DE found that significant changes in the dielectric constant of erythrocytes upon exposure to adrenergic agents are mainly observed in the control group, and insignifi cant in erythrocytes of patients with DE, indicating reduced adrenoreactivity their membrane receptor complex. EHF-autohemotherapy in complex treatment of patients with DE can eff ectively improve the state of erythrocyte membranes adrenergic activity, as evidenced by an increase in the absolute value of the dielectric constant, and indicate a change in the hydration level of red blood cells.
Key words dyscirculatory encephalopathy, treatment, adrenergic activity of erythrocyte membranes
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