ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 1(78)The infl uence of detox therapy on level of "average molecules" at the blood of the patients with catatonic schizophrenia
Title of the article The infl uence of detox therapy on level of "average molecules" at the blood of the patients with catatonic schizophrenia
Authors Rachkauskas Gennadii Stasysovych
Radionova Svitlana Ivanivna
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 1(78) Pages 88-90
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 615.456-657.356.647.12 Index BBK -
Abstract Influence of detox and metabolic active preparation reamberin on concentration of „average molecules» (AV) at the blood of the patients with catatonic schizophrenia (CS) was studied. It is set that reamberin using is instrumental in achievement of normalization of AV concentration that dated liquidations clinical-biochemical „metabolic» intoxication syndrome. Based of this data it is possible to deem reamberin plugging in the complex of treatment the patients with CS.
Key words catatonic schizophrenia, reamberin, average molecules, treatment
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