Title of the article Speech disturbances on aphasia
Authors Filipova  Tetiana Valeriivna
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 1(78) Pages 137-141
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.434.5 Index BBK -
Abstract At present days speech disturbances are one of the most frequent reason of both invalidity and prolonged disability among the apoplectic population. The logopedic rehabilitation results are essentially af ected by well-timed and continuous correction as well as proper therapeutic decision of recovery methods and modes. Both general types of aphasia and speech impairment agents were identii ed according to analysis of literary data. The oral memory, phonematic audition, speech appreciation, writing, reading and others are the miscellaneous primarily damaged forms of language behavior underlying the basis of any aphasic disorder. In order to compile management program of recovery methods the grades of aphasic disorders were distinguished. All types of language behavior were arranged depending to form of aphasia.
Key words cerebral stroke, aphasia, speech
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