ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 1(78)Psychiatric science in Ukraine in 2013 and the directions of its improvement (by data of Problem commission "Psychiatry" of the Ministry of Health and National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine)
Title of the article Psychiatric science in Ukraine in 2013 and the directions of its improvement (by data of Problem commission "Psychiatry" of the Ministry of Health and National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine)
Authors Napreyenko Oleksandr Kostiantynovych
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 1(78) Pages 18-22
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89 Index BBK -
Abstract Projects and reports on the implementation of scientifi c and research studies, scientifi c psychiatric centers submitted for consideration to the problem commission «Psychiatry» MoPH and NAMS of Ukraine in 2013 were analyzed. Ascertained improvement of relevant indicators in comparison with 2012, in areas such as the quantity and quality of planned and developed research profile marked increase of doctors and candidates theses, some progress in promoting and implementing a variety of forms of scientifi c advice in practical public health institutions, educational programs of universities. Drew attention to the needing for more eff ective development issues to improve the organization of psychiatric and medical and psychological assistance, «transfer» a greater part in the outpatient conditions, in the structure of family medicine and countryside, impro ving the psychological and psychiatric care for mentally ill children, people with suicidal tendencies, HIVAIDS, tuberculosis and other infectious and somatic diseases. At the same time indicated the importance of research at realization using modern neurophysiologic, genetic, other laboratory and epidemiological methodic. The most important component of combined approach to improving integrated care recognized further intensifi cation of physicians and other professionals training in the fi eld of psychopathology at undergraduate and postgraduate stages of their training. Development of educational programs with implementation for relatives of the psychiatric patients and the general population through the media should help to forming aspirations and skills for a healthy lifestyle and psychoprophylaxis.
Key words Ukraine, science, psychiatry, 2013 year, achievements, defects, directions of its improvement
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