ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 1(78)Program for a dif erentiated prevention of a suicidal behavior in patients with bipolar af ective disorders
Title of the article Program for a dif erentiated prevention of a suicidal behavior in patients with bipolar af ective disorders
Authors Takhtashova Dina Rashydovna
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 1(78) Pages 91-95
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89:616.89-008.441.44-084 Index BBK -
Abstract On the base of results of a in-tegrated investigation of clinical-psychopathological peculiarities of bipolar af ective disorder (BAD), uto-aggressive predictors and pathopsy-chological mechanisms of a suicidal behavior formation in such patients it was developed and approbated the program for prevention of a suicidal behavior in patients with BAD. The main stages and methods of appli-cation of the program proposed are described. In accordance with the results of the approbation a high ei cacy of this program was proven.
Key words bipolar af ective disor-der, suicidal behavior, dif erentiated prevention
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