ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 1(78)Internal structure of the mental status of patients with different consequences of traumatic brain injury
Title of the article | Internal structure of the mental status of patients with different consequences of traumatic brain injury | ||||
Authors |
Voloshyna Diana |
Year | 2014 | Issue | Volume 22, issue 1(78) | Pages | 67-71 |
Type of article | Scientific article | Index UDK | 616.89-008.47:616.831-001.31 | Index BBK | - |
Abstract | The purpose of the research is studying the internal structure of mental state of patients with various consequences of brain injury using a questionnaire symptom levels Derogatis. On the basis of CHPI "Kharkiv Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital № 3" 100 male patients aged 38,35 ± 0,96 years with various psychopathological consequences of undergoing cranial-brain injury were surveyed: 39 people with F 06 — other (other than dementia amnestic syndrome and delirium) mental disorder due to brain injury (group I) and 61 people with F 07 — personality disorders and behavior as a result of TBI (group II). The study showed that patients with F 06 have common expression of psychopathology with more differences, particularly on the scale of somatization, obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, phobic anxiety, paranoity, psychoticism. Positive correlations between psychopathological symptoms were studied: in group I (F 06) strong interpersonal sensitivity had strong correlation with depression, obsession- compulsivity and psychoticism; obsession-compulsivity positively correlated with depression; anxiety with somatization; psychoticism with paranoity; in group II (F 07) anxiety had a strong correlation with depression, paranoity positively correlated with interpersonal sensitivity. It was also found that age does not play a decisive role in influencing the psychological and somatic state of patients with psychopathological consequences of traumatic brain injuries. | ||||
Key words | psychopathological consequences of traumatic-brain injury, psychological condition, the questionnaire symptom levels | ||||
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