ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 1(78)Internal structure of the mental status of patients with different consequences of traumatic brain injury
Title of the article Internal structure of the mental status of patients with different consequences of traumatic brain injury
Authors Voloshyna Diana
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 1(78) Pages 67-71
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.47:616.831-001.31 Index BBK -
Abstract The purpose of the research is studying the internal structure of mental state of patients with various consequences of brain injury using a questionnaire symptom levels Derogatis. On the basis of CHPI "Kharkiv Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital № 3" 100 male patients aged 38,35 ± 0,96 years with various psychopathological consequences of undergoing cranial-brain injury were surveyed: 39 people with F 06 — other (other than dementia amnestic syndrome and delirium) mental disorder due to brain injury (group I) and 61 people with F 07 — personality disorders and behavior as a result of TBI (group II). The study showed that patients with F 06 have common expression of psychopathology with more differences, particularly on the scale of somatization, obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, phobic anxiety, paranoity, psychoticism. Positive correlations between psychopathological symptoms were studied: in group I (F 06) strong interpersonal sensitivity had strong correlation with depression, obsession- compulsivity and psychoticism; obsession-compulsivity positively correlated with depression; anxiety with somatization; psychoticism with paranoity; in group II (F 07) anxiety had a strong correlation with depression, paranoity positively correlated with interpersonal sensitivity. It was also found that age does not play a decisive role in influencing the psychological and somatic state of patients with psychopathological consequences of traumatic brain injuries.
Key words psychopathological consequences of traumatic-brain injury, psychological condition, the questionnaire symptom levels
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