ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 1(78)Clinical features psychopathology of women and men with paranoid schizophrenia, in aspects of their social exclusion
Title of the article Clinical features psychopathology of women and men with paranoid schizophrenia, in aspects of their social exclusion
Authors Verbenko Viktoriia
Yurieva Nataliia Mykhailivna
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 1(78) Pages 58-66
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.8:616.89-02-055 Index BBK -
Abstract Based on clinical and psychometric and psychopathological (scale PANSS) survey of 120 women and 110 men, patients with schizophrenia paranoia set gender clinical psychopathological features of the course and clinical implications for women and men aff ecting the level of social functioning. It was established that the development of measures of psychosocial rehabilitation of women suff ering from paranoia schizophrenia should consider the following clinical and psychopathological gender diff erences: more than men, duration of remission, and a variety of lesser severity of positive (women — hallucinatory behavior, men — delirium, conceptual disorganization, hostility) and negative syndrome (in women — the diffi culty in abstract thinking, lack of spontaneity and smooth talk, stereotypical thinking, men — fl attening of aff ect, insuffi - cient report, passive-apathetic social retreat, diffi culty in abstract mental, lack of spontaneity and smooth talk, stereotypical thinking) and approximately uniform general prevalence of positive symptoms dominated pronounced degree from the totality of established syndromes. Available clinical and psychopathological gender diff erences contribute relatively less social exclusion of women in society than men, which requires consideration of the justifi - cation gender specifi city approaches to therapy and psychosocial rehabilitation of women suff ering from paranoia schizophrenia.
Key words paranoid schizophrenia, clinical and psychopathological features, women, men, social functioning
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