ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 3 (76)Peculiarities of indicators and forms of epilepsy in children of diff erent age groups
Title of the article Peculiarities of indicators and forms of epilepsy in children of diff erent age groups
Authors Sukhonosova Olga Yuriivna
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 3 (76) Pages 120-122
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.853-053.2-07-085.21 Index BBK -
Abstract The article presents the characteristics of prevalence, morbidity, and disability, as well as the frequency of epilepsy and epileptic focus localization with symptomatic focal epilepsy in children of diff erent age groups. In the age group 0 to 1 year there was a high incidence of epilepsy, often symptomatic form of epilepsy, multifocal localization of the locus. In the age group 1—6 years — the largest number of primary disability, prevalenc e cryptogenic forms, the largest share of symptomatic focal epilepsies parietal localization. In the age group 7—14 years — the highest prevalence, morbidity, the largest number of children with disabilities, incidence of idiopathic form is prevalent, the temporal and frontal localization of focal symptomatic forms are frequent. In the age group 15—17 years — the lowest incidence, the highest rate of disability, a high percentage of symptomatic epilepsies.
Key words epilepsy, children, peculiarities of diff erent age groups.
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