ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 3 (76)Features of life partner pairs in which one partner is HIVpositive
Title of the article Features of life partner pairs in which one partner is HIVpositive
Authors Gabrel R. T.
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 3 (76) Pages 47-50
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK Index BBK -
Abstract Based on survey of 105 partner pairs (PP), in which one partner is HIV-positive, of which 70 are heterosexual couples and 35 — same-sex male, investigated the phenomenon of deformation life partner pairs if HIV infection of one partner. Found that heterosexual PP, regardless of whether husband or wife is infected in the genesis of violation of life partner pairs leading role belongs to the distortion of partnerships and somatic consequences of HIV infection. In PP genesis of homosexual sexual problems is more complex, their basis is intrapersonal conflict due stigmatized sexual identity ambivalence of identity, enhanced interpretation of the fact of infection as a consequence of features psychosexual orientation, socio-cultural and society incongruent own ideas, as well as a full range of somatic problems arising the presence of HIV. In addition, 44.3 % of heterosexual PP, in which one partner is infected with HIV, the lack of established violations of sexual, indicating the presence of personal and interpersonal resources for the conservation of partnership and support, which is very important in terms of their use rehabilitation potential in the complex treatment and rehabilitation programs for this contingent.
Key words life partner pairs, HIV.
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