ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 3 (76)Features of child-parent relationship in the family with a child with cancer
Title of the article Features of child-parent relationship in the family with a child with cancer
Authors Piontkovska Oksana
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 3 (76) Pages 70-73
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.48:159.923:615.851-055 Index BBK -
Abstract The aim of the research was to investigate the child-parent relationship in the family with a child with cancer. Found that in families with violation of family relationships had been a violation of emotional contact with the child, distance from him or excessive concentration with a tendency to hypercontrol. It was selected types of disadaptation in child-parent relationships in families with a child with cancer. That is why is quite necessary to create complete system of psychological help with accent on family interrelations. It can improve total family health and effi ciency of family functioning.
Key words parents of children with cancer, family, childparent relationship, family functioning
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