ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 1 (74)The comparative characteristic of bodily and sexual development of married couples, where a husband has epilepsy and where sexual disharmony takes place
Title of the article The comparative characteristic of bodily and sexual development of married couples, where a husband has epilepsy and where sexual disharmony takes place
Authors Shynder V.
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 1 (74) Pages 100-102
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.853-055.1:616.69 Index BBK -
Abstract 58 married couples, where a husband has epilepsy, was examined. The reasons of appearance and peculiarities of sexual disharmony were stated. It was found out that multiple-factor etiopathogenesis is the base of it. The temps of bodily and sexual development that husband and wife has infl uence on sexual situation. Aberration of bodily and sexual development may be aggravated and it can infl uence on sexual health of married couples.
Key words married couple, bodily and sexual development, sexual disharmony, epilepsy
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