ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 1 (74)Medical service of population of declining and senile years with disorders of psyche and conduct: organization and satisfaction
Title of the article Medical service of population of declining and senile years with disorders of psyche and conduct: organization and satisfaction
Authors Dikhtyar A. Yu.
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 1 (74) Pages 51-53
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.447-053.89-053.9-082 Index BBK -
Abstract The article highlights the problems of security and staffi ng primary care physicians and mental health Zaporizhzhya Oblates who provide medical care to the population of elderly with mental and behavioral disorders. It is shown that a fi fth of the population of elderly are not being met, and the leading cause established by us, there is not enough fi nancial position of both the respondents and the health care system.
Key words medical staff , organization of mental health, organization of health care, the population of advanced and elderly age.
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