ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 1 (74)Investigation of infl uence of derivate of adamantan ademol on fragmentation of DNA nucleuses of neurons of frontal lobes of cortex under ischemia reperfusion of brain in rats
Title of the article Investigation of infl uence of derivate of adamantan ademol on fragmentation of DNA nucleuses of neurons of frontal lobes of cortex under ischemia reperfusion of brain in rats
Authors Khodakivskyi O. A.
Chereschnyuk I. L.
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 1 (74) Pages 26-28
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.831-005.4:599.323.4:001.8 Index BBK -
Abstract In experiments on rats with model of acute disorder of encephalic circulation (20 minutes bilateral carotid occlusion with further reperfusion) were established that introduction of derivate of adamantan 1-adamantiloxy-3-morfolino-2 propanol (under conventional name ademol) in dose 2 mg/kg intraabdominal in treatment regimen (in an hour after ischemia and further 1 time a day every 24 hours during 3 days) better than cytikolin decreasing fragmentation of DNA nucleuses of neurons of frontal lobes of brain of rats (marker of neuroapoptosis). Positive modeling infl uence which has ademol on processes of neuroapoptosis can stay in the base of its cerebroprotective eff ect. Ademol can be considered as perspective cerebroprotector.
Key words neuroapoptosis, ademol, cytikolin.
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