ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 1 (74)Features in symptomatic epilepsy course for children of different age groups
Title of the article Features in symptomatic epilepsy course for children of different age groups
Authors Salnikova V.
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 1 (74) Pages 20-25
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.853-053.2 Index BBK -
Abstract 120 children from diff erent age groups (ranging from 1 to 17 yrs) with a clinically documented symptomatic partial epilepsy (SPE) were examined in the study. All patients were examined with the use of clinical methods: the analysis of obstetric history, the study of medical history as well as somatic and neurological states of our patients. Neurophysiologic methods included EEG evaluation and video-EEG-monitoring, and neurovisualizing implied magneto-resonance tomography (MRT). Age-related peculiarities in the course of SPE in children were analyzed with consideration of special literature data and the results of our study. It has been established that the most signifi - cant in defi ning the subsequent development of drug-resistant forms of the disease were such characteristics as etiology of the disease, age of the patient at its onset, combination of seizure types and their transformation, EEG and sleep-EEG data as well as organic disorders revealed by neurovisualizing. SPE has a number of features in its course in children. Signifi cant criteria for prognosis in symptomatic epilepsy is the presence of such changes in the EEG as epileptic activity, delayed background activity as such and in combination with focal epileptic activity. EEG evaluation carried out in dynamics is also important. Most threatening structural disorders as regards the development of the symptomatic epilepsy refractory forms are: hemiatrophy, posttraumatic destructions, cortical dysplasia, mesial temporal sclerosis, arachnoidal cysts, and cortical atrophy of the brain.
Key words symptomatic partial epilepsy, children.
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