ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 1 (74)Dynamics of psychoemotional sphere postnatal women within the context of the system “mother — а child”
Title of the article Dynamics of psychoemotional sphere postnatal women within the context of the system “mother — а child”
Authors Loboyko L. I.
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 1 (74) Pages 66-75
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89:616.6:159.922.7/.8(075.8):613.953.13 Index BBK -
Abstract The article investigates the dynamics of emotional state of women in the early postpartum period, in terms of their adaptation to motherhood, as well as interaction in the “mother — a child”. As a result, two of the survey 140 young mothers include clinical interviews and psychodiagnostic study identifi ed particular psycho-emotional sphere of women in the early postpartum. In 65,6 % of women in the fi rst month after birth installed symptoms of depression and anxiety low degree, which in most cases regress within 3 months after delivery. At the same time, 45 % of women identifi ed symptoms are further developed, leading to the formation of clinically signifi cant psychiatric conditions characterized mainly masks somatic anxiety and depressive symptoms. Trigger factor in this case is the lack of psychological readiness for motherhood support — there were problems in the relationship with her husband and lack of family support, which led to the exclusion of the “mother — a child”, a further deterioration of family relations and increase the severity of symptoms. High availability for motherhood, combined with adequate family support are protective factors that contribute to successful adaptation to motherhood, women and the formation of an optimal level of interaction in the “mother — a child”.
Key words disorders of psycho-emotional sphere, early postpartum adaptation to motherhood, the interaction of the “mother — a child”.
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