ГоловнаАрхiв номерiв2010Том 18, випуск 4 (65)Сучасний стан проблеми шизофренії (Обзор литературы)
Назва статтi Сучасний стан проблеми шизофренії (Обзор литературы)
Автори Михайлов Борис Володимирович
Рiк 2010 Номер журналу Том 18, випуск 4 (65) Сторінки 39-47
Тип статті Наукова стаття Індекс УДК 616.895.8-071-085.851+615.214].001 Індекс ББК -
Анотацiя Наведені результати досліджень сучасного стану проблеми шизофренії в рамках психіатрії. Показані причини теоретичної, клініко-діагностичної, інтерпретаційної диссонантності в галузі проблеми шизофренії, аналізуються причини нозологічної дискваліфікації шизофренії та закріплення уявлень про існування «груп шизофреній». Розглянуті причини превалювання психо- фармакологічних методів терапії шизофренії та явищ загальної терапевтичної стагнації.
Ключовi слова шизофренія, діагностика, психофармакологія, психотерапія.
Доступ до повної статтi pdf Скачати
1. Запорожан, В. Н. Проблемы нооэтики и механизмы ноогенных психических расстройств / В. Н. Запорожан, В. С. Битенский // Вісник психіатрії та психофармакотерапії. — № 2(12). — 2007. — С. 7—10.
2. Каплан, Г. И. Клиническая психиатрия / Г. И. Каплан, Б. Дж. Сэдок; пер. с англ. В 2 т. Т. 2. — М.: Медицина, 1994. —528 с.
3. Кутько, І. І. Інтерлейкіновий профіль у хворих параноїдною шизофренією / І. І. Кутько, В. М. Фролов, Г. С. Рачкаускас // Вісник пси- хіатрії та психофармакотерапії. — № 2(6). — 2004.— С.47—49.
4. Мишиев, В. Д. Медико-правовые аспекты оказания спе- циализированной помощи больным шизофренией на современном этапе / В. Д. Мишиев, Г. С. Рачкаускас // Там само. — № 2. — 2002. — С. 16—21.
5. Психиатрическая клиника: Учебн. пособие для студ. и врачей- интернов / В. П. Самохвалов, А. А. Коробов, В. А. Мельников и др.; под ред. В. П. Самохвалова. — Симферополь: Информ.-аналит. отд. КДМУ. — 2003. — 608 с.
6. Психіатрія / О. К. Напрєєнко та ін.; за ред. проф. О. К. На- прє єнка. — К.: Здоров’я, 2001.— 584 с.
7. Психотерапия: Учебник для врачей-интернов высших ме- дицинских учебных заведений III—IV уровней аккредитации / [Б. В. Михайлов, С. И. Табачников, И. С. Витенко, В. В. Чугунов]. — Х.: Око, 2002. — 768 с.
8. Самохвалов, В. П. Эволюционная психиатрия / В. П. Само- хвалов. — ИМИС-НПФ Движение Лтд, 1993. — 286 с.
9. Чайка, Ю. В. Історія, структура і перспективи розвитку психо- патологічного методу / Ю. В. Чайка, Ю. Ю. Чайка // Український вісник психоневрології. — Т. 15, вип. 2(51). — 2007. — С. 153—157.
10. Чугунов, В. В. Клиника и дисциплинарная история психотерапии / В. В. Чугунов. — К.: Здоров’я; Х.: Око; Наука, 2002. — 708 с.
11. Arieti, S. Interpretation of Schizophrenia. New York: Robert Brunner, 1955. 1st Edition, 2nd printing. [First published the same year]. xviii+522+[4] pp.
12. Arieti, S. Understanding and Helping the Schizophrenic: A Guide for Family and Friends. New York: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, [1979]. 1st Edition. [xii]+239+[5] pp.
13. Arnold, O. H. Schizophrener Prozess und Schizophrene Symptom gesetze: eine prognostisch-statistische Grundlagenstudie. Wiener Beiträge zur Neurologie und Psychiatrie, edited by H. Hoff und O. Pötzl Band 4. Wien/Bonn: Verlag für Medizinische Wissenschaften, Wilhelm Maudrich, 1955. 1st Edition. [vi]+86 pp.
14. Ar tiss, K. L., ed. The Symptom as Communication in Schizophrenia. Introduction by D. McK. Rioch. New York/London: Grune & Stratton, 1959. 1st Edition. vi+233+[1] pp.
15. Auerbach, A., ed. Schizophrenia: An Integrated Appro ach. New York: The Ronald Press Company, [1959]. 1st Edition. [ii]+viii+ 224+[2] pp.
16. Babcock, H. Dementia Praecox: A Psychological Study. New York: [no publisher], 1933. 1st Edition. 167+[1] pp.
17. Ban, T. A. Schizophrenia: A Psychopharmacological Approach. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publisher, [1972]. 1st Edition. [x]+134 pp.
18. Barham, P. Schizophrenia and Human Value: Chronic Schizophrenia, Science and Society. [Oxford]: Basil Blackwell, [1986]. 1st Paperback Edition. [First published 1984]. viii+223+[1] pp.
19. Baxter, C. F. & Melnechuk, Theodore, eds. Perspectives in Schizophrenia Research. New York: Raven Press, [1980]. 1st Edition. xvii+[1]+445+[1] pp. УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ВІСНИК ПСИХОНЕВРОЛОГІЇ 44 — ТОМ 18, ВИП. 4 (65) — 2010 ОГЛЯДОВІ СТАТТІ
20. Baynes, H. G. Mythology of the Soul: A Research into the Unconscious from Schizophrenic Dreams and Drawings. London: Methuen & Co. Ltd., [1949]. 1st Edition, 2nd printing. [First published 1940]. xii+[940] pp.
21. Beck, S. J. Psychological Processes in the Schizophrenic Adaptation. With a chapter by H. B. Molish & Jum Nunnally. New York/ London: Grune & Stratton, [1965]. 1st Edition. [x]+421+[1] pp.
22. Bellak, L., ed. Disorders of the Schizophrenic Syndrome. New York: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, [1979]. 1st Edition. ix+[1]+629+[1] pp.
23. Bellak, L., ed. Schizophrenia: A Review of the Syndrome. In collaboration with Paul K. Benedict. New York: Logos Press, 1958. 1st Edition. xx+1010 pp.
24. Bellak, L. & Levy, L. H. Schizophrenic Syndrome. New York/ London: Grune & Stratton, [1969]. 1st Edition. vii+[1]+879+[1] pp.
25. Bender, L. Principles of Gestalt in Copied Form in Mentally Defective and Schizophrenic Persons. Reprinted from the Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry March, 1932, Vol. 27 pp.661—686. Chicago: American Medical Association, [1932]. 1st separate printing. 26+[2] pp.
26. Berger, M. M., ed. Beyond the Double Bind: Communication and Family Systems, Theories, and Techniques with Schizophrenics. New York: Brunner/ Mazel, Publishers, [1978]. 1st printing. [xxii]+264+[2] pp.
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30. Boyer, L. B. & Giovacchini, P. L. Psychoanalytic Treatment of Characterological and Schizophrenic Disorders. New York: Science House, [1967]. 1st Edition. 379+[5] pp.
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33. Braunmühl, A. von. Die Insulinshockbehandlung der Schizophrenie (unter Berücksichtigung des Cardiazolkrampfes): Ein Leitfaden für die Praxis. Berlin: Verlag von Julius Springer, 1938. 1st Edition. [6]+71+[3] pp.
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35. Brody, E. B. Psychotherapy with Schizophrenics. New York: International Universities Press, Inc., [1954]. 3rd printing. [First published 1952]. 246+[2] pp.
36. Broen, W. E., Jr. Schizophrenia: Research and Theory. New York/ London: Academic Press, 1968. 1st Edition. [xii]+240+[4] pp.
37. Burrows, G. D., et al, eds. Handbook of Studies on Schizophrenia, Part I: Epidemiology, Aetiology and Clinical Features. Amsterdam/NY/ Oxford: Elsevier, 1986. 1st Edition. [xvi]+246+[2] pp.
38. Burrows, G. D., et al, eds. Handbook of Studies on Schizophrenia, Part 2: Management and Research. Amsterdam/NY/Oxford: Elsevier, 1986. 1st Edition. xvi+313+[3] pp.
39. Burton, A., et al. Schizophrenia as a Life Style. Foreword by Otto A. Will. New York: Springer Publishing Company, Inc., [1974]. 1st Edition. [xvi]+160 pp.
40. Buss, A. H. & Buss, E. H., eds. Theories of Schizophrenia. New York: Atherton Press, Inc., 1969. 1st Edition. [xii]+175+[5] pp.
41. Campbell, C. M. Towards Mental Health: The Schizophrenic Problem. Cambridge [Massachusetts]: Harvard University Press, 1933. 1st Edition. [viii]+110+[2] pp.
42. Cancro, R., ed. The Schizophrenic Reactions: A Critique of the Concept, Hospital Treatment, and Current Research. The Proceedings of the Menninger Foundation Conference on the Schizophrenic Syndrome. New York: Brunner/Mazel Publishers, 1970. 1st Edition. x+293+[1] pp.
43. Cancro, R., ed. The Schizophrenic Syndrome: An Annual Review, 1971 [Vol. 1]. New York: Brunner/Mazel/London: Butterworths, [1971]. 1st Edition. [xvi]+791+[1] pp.
44. Cancro, R. et al. Strategic Intervention in Schizophrenia: Current Developments in Treatment. New York: Behavioral Publications, [1974]. 1st Edition. [ii]+xvi+326+[4] pp.
45. (Carling P. J.) Карлинг П. Дж. Возвращение в сообщество (построение систем поддержки для людей с психиатрической инвалидностью): Пер. с англ. — К.: Сфера, 2001. — 442 с.
46. Ciompi, L. The Psyche and Schizophrenia: The Bond Between Affect and Logic. Translation by Deborah Lucas Schneider of Affektlo gik: über die Struktur der Psyche und ihre Entwicklung: ein Beitrag zur Schizophrenieforschung (Stuttgart 1982). Cambridge, MA/London: Harvard University Press, 1988. 1st Edition in English. xxii+[2]+327+[3] pp.
47. Crider, A. Schizophrenia: A Biopsychological Perspective. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, 1979. 1st Edition. [xiv]+204+[6] pp.
48. Cromwell, R. L. & Snyder, C. R., eds. Schizophrenia: Origins, Processes, Treatment, and Outcome. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993. 1st Edition. x+373+[1] pp.
49. David, A. S. & Cutting, J., eds. The Neuropsychology of Schizophrenia. Issued in Brain Damage, Behavior and Cognition Series. Hove (UK) / Hillsdale (USA): Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, [1994]. 1st Edition. xvi+406+[2] pp.
50. Dawson, J. G., et al., eds. Psychotherapy with Schizophrenics: A Reappraisal. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, [1961]. 1st Edition. xii+156 pp.
51. Denber, Herman C. B. Schizophrenia: Theory, Diagnosis, and Treatment. New York/Basel: Marcel Dekker, Inc., [1978]. 1st Edition. [ii]+[xii]+242 pp.
52. Dunham, H. W. Communi ty and Schizophrenia: An Epidemiological Analysis. Lafayette Clinic Monographs in Psychiatry No. 1. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1965. 1st Edition. xxv+[1]+312+[6] pp.
53. Ellery, R. S. Schizophrenia: The Cinderella of Psychiatry. Sydney, Australia: Australasian Medical Publishing Company Limited, [1944]. 2nd printing. [First published 1941]. 180 pp.
54. Feinsilver, D. B., ed. Towards a Comprehensive Model for Schizophrenic Disorders: Psychoanalytic Essays in Memory of Ping- Nie Pao, M. D. Psychoanalytic Inquiry Book Series Vol. 5. Hillsdale, NJ/London: The Analytic Press, 1986. 1st Edition. xx+389+[7] pp.
55. Freeman, T. Chronic Schizophrenia. Preface by Anna Freud (1895—1982). New York: International Universities Press, Inc., [1958]. 1st American Edition. x+158 pp.
56. Freeman, W. J. Deficiency of Catalytic Iron in the Brain in Schizophrenia. Reprinted from Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, August, 1930, Vol. 24, pp. 300—310. Chicago: American Medical Association, 1930. 1st separate Edition. 11+[1] pp.
57. Fukuda, T. & Mitsuda, H., eds. World Issues in the Problems of Schizophrenic Psychoses. Tokyo / New York: Igaku Shoin, [1979]. 1st Edition. xii+183+[1] pp.
58. Gelman, S. Medicating Schizophrenia: A History. New Bruns wick/ London: Rutgers University Press, [1999]. 1st Edition. [xii]+274+[2] pp.
59. Gottesman, I. I. & Shields, James. Schizophrenia and Genetics: A Twin Study Vantage Point. With a Contribution by Paul E. Meehl. Personality and Psychopathology Vol. 13. New York/London: Academic Press, [1972]. 1st Edition. xviii+433+[5] pp.
60. Gottesman, I. I. & Shields, J. Schizophrenia: The Epigenetic Puzzle. Assisted by Daniel R. Hanson. Cambridge, [England]: Cambridge University Press, [1982]. 1st Edition. xiii+[1]+258 pp.
61. Greden, J. & Tandon, R., eds. Negative Schizophrenic Symptoms: Pathophysiology and Clinical Implications. Progress in Psychiatry 28. Washington/London: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., [1990]. 1st Edition. xxix+290 pp.
62. Greenblatt, M. & Solomon, H. C., eds. Frontal Lobes and Schizo phrenia. Second Lobotomy Project of Boston Psychopathic Hospital. New York: Springer Publishing Company, Inc., 1953. 1st Edition. [xii]+425+[3] pp. 35 text figures. 42 tables.
63. Group Without a Name (Psychiatric Research Society). Toward a Definition of Schizophrenia. Tenth Annual Meeting of the Group Without a Name (Psychiatric Research Society) held at Cincinnati, Ohio March 10, 11, 12, 1967. Supplement tot Diseases of the Nervous System, Vol. 29, № 5, May 1968. [no place (US)]: [no publisher], 1968. 1st Edition. 192+[2] pp. УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ВІСНИК ПСИХОНЕВРОЛОГІЇ — ТОМ 18, ВИП. 4 (65) — 2010 45 ОГЛЯДОВІ СТАТТІ
64. Gunderson, J. G. & Mosher, L. R., eds. Psychotherapy of Schizophrenia: The Treatment of Choice. New York/London: Jason Aronson, [1975]. 1st Edition. xlii+441+[9] pp.
65. Guntrip, H. Schizoid Phenomena Object-Relations and the Self. New York: International Universities Press, Inc., [1969]. 1st American printing. [First published 1968 in London]. 437+[3] pp.
66. Häfner, H., et al., eds. Search for the Causes of Schizophrenia. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, [1987]. 1st Edition. [x]+386+[4] pp.
67. Heilbrun, A. B., Jr. Aversive Maternal Control: A Theory of Schizophrenic Development. Issued in Wiley Series on Personality Processes, Irving B. Weiner, Series Editor. New York: A Wiley- Interscience Publication, John Wiley & Sons, [1973]. 1st Edition. [xvi]+323+[13] pp.
68. Heinrich, Kurt, ed. Der Schizophrene außerhalb der Klinik. Bern/ Stuttgart/Wien: Verlag Hans Huber, [1982]. 1st Edition. 202+[2] pp.
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75. Howells, J. G., ed. The Concept of Schizophrenia: Historical Perspectives. Washington/London: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., [1991]. 1st Edition. xxiv+211+[5] pp.
76. Howells, J. G. & Guirguis, W. R. The Family and Schizophrenia. New York: [1985]. 1st Edition. [vi]+346 pp.
77. Jackson, D. D., ed. The Etiology of Schizophrenia. New York: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, [1960]. 1st Edition. [8]+456 pp.
78. Jung, C. G. The Psychology of Dementia Praecox. Nervous and Mental Disease Monograph Series No. 3. New York/Washington, DC: Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Company, 1936. [First published 1907 in; First issued in translation in 1909]. [x]+150 pp.
79. Kahn, E. Schizoid und Schizophrenie im Erbgang: Beitrag zu den erblichen Beziehungen der Schizophrenie und des Schizoids mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Nachkommenschaft schizophrener Ehepaare. Studien über Vererbung und Entstehung geistiger Störungen, herausgegeben von Ernst Rüdin. Monographien aus dem Gesamtgebiete der Neurologie und Psychiatrie Heft 36. Berlin: Verlag von Julius Springer, 1923. 1st Edition. [4]+144 pp.
80. Kales, A., et al, eds. Recent Advances in Schizophrenia. International Perspectives Series: Psychiatry, Psychology, and Neurosciences [Vol. 1]. New York/Heidelberg/Berlin: Springer-Verlag, [1990]. 1st Edition, Paperback issue. xxv+[1] +416+[4] pp.
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83. Kasanin, J. S. The Language and Thought of Schizophrenia. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1951. 3rd printing. [First published 1946]. [viii]+[224] pp.
84. Kemali, D., et al, eds. Schizophrenia Today. Oxford: Pergamon Press, [1976]. 1st Edition. [xvi]+282+[2] pp. Text figures.
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86. Kendig, I. V. & Richmond, W. V. Psychological Studies in Dementia Praecox. Ann Arbor: Edwards Brothers, Inc., 1940. 1st Edition. [ii]+x+212 pp.
87. Keshavan, M. S., et al., eds. Neurodevelopment and Schizophrenia. [Cambridge, [England]]: Cambridge University Press, [2004]. 1st Edition. xviii+488 pp.
88. Kraepelin, E. Dementia Praecox and Paraphrenia. Edited by George M. Robertson. Translation by R. Mary Barclay of the section on Dementia Praecox in the 8th edition of Kraepelin's Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie. Lifetime Editions of Kraepelin in English [edited by John Gach] Vol. 4. [Bristol]: Thoemmes Press, [2002]. Facsimile reprint Edition. [First issued in translation in 1919 in Edinburgh]. [vi]+x+331+[1] pp.
89. Kvarnes, R. C. & Parloff, G. H., eds. A Harry Stack Sullivan Case Seminar: Treatment of a Young Male Schizophrenic. New York: W. W. Norton & Company Inc., Publishers, [1976]. 1st Edition. [xx]+241+[3] pp. 90. Lader, M. H., ed. Studies of Schizophrenia. Papers read at the World Psychiatric Association Symposium, «Current Concepts of Schizophrenia», London, November, 1972. British Journal of Psychiatry Special Publication No. 10. Ashford, Kent: Published by authority of World Psychiatric Association and the Royal College of Psychiatrists by Headley Brothers Ltd, 1975. 1st Edition. [x]+160+[2] pp.
91. Lafora, G. R. Sujets de composition orientaux dans les peintures d'un schizophrène espagnol inculte. Psychopathologie de l'Expression: une collection iconographique internationale Vol. 7. no place (Switzerland): Sandoz, 1965. 1st Edition. [iv]+[2] pages of text + 12 stunning color plates.
92. Laing, R. D. & Esterson, A. Sanity, Madness and the Family: Vol. 1: Families of Schizophrenics. [London]: Tavistock Publications, [1964]. 1st Edition. viii+272 pp.
93. Levy, S. T. & Ninan, P. T., eds. Schizophrenia: Treatment of Acute Psychotic Episodes. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., [1990]. 1st Edition. xv+[1]+223+[1] pp.
94. Lidz, T. The Origin and Treatment of Schizophrenic Disorders. New York: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, [1973]. 1st Edition xii+[2]+145+[1] pp.
95. Lidz, T., et al. Schizophrenia and the Family. Monograph Series on Schizophrenia 7. New York: International Universities Press, Inc., [1965]. 1st Edition. 477+[3] pp.
96. Ludwig, A. M. Treating the Treatment Failures: The Challenge of Chronic Schizophrenia. New York/London: Grune & Stratton, [1971]. 1st Edition. [xviii]+235+[3] pp.
97. Macalpine, I. W. & Hunter, R. A. Schizophrenia 1677: A Psychiatric Study of an Illustrated Autobiographical Record of Demoniacal Possession. London: William Dawson & Sons Limited, 1956. 1st Edition. [x]+197+[1] pp.
98. Macnab, F. A. Estrangement and Relationship: Experience with Schizophrenics. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1966. 1st American Edition. [iii-xxii]+299+[1] pp.
99. Malis, G. Yu. Research on the Etiology of Schizophrenia. Translated by Basil Haigh. The International Behavioral Sciences Series, edited by J. Wortis, M. D. [Vol. 6]. New York: Consultants Bureau, [1961]. 1st Edition in English. [First published 1959]. [xii]+195+[1] pp.
100. Maloney, D. P. Schizophrenia and the Third Reality: Understanding Yourself in Relation to Schizophrenia. Hudson, WI: Humanistic Concerns, [1977]. [vi]+107+[3] pp.
101. Marcotty, T., et al. Begegnung mit dem Wahn: Schizophrenie Erlebnisse und Berichte. München: List Verlag, [1965]. 1st Edition. 214+[2] pp.
102. Marie, A. La demence. Issued in the series Bibliothèque Internationale de Psychologie Expérimentale Normale et Pathologique. Paris: Octave Doin, Éditeur, 1906. 1st Edition. [ii]+492 pp.
103. Matthysse, S., et al., eds. Attention and Information Processing in Schizophrenia. Proceedings of a Conference sponsored by the Scottish Rite Schizophrenia Research Program Rochester, 2—6 May 1976. Oxford: Pergamon Press, [1979]. 1st Edition. viii+331+[3] pp.
104. Matthysse, S. W. & Kety, S., eds. Catecholamines and Schizophrenia. Oxford: Pergamon Press, [1975]. 1st Edition. [xx]+369+[3] pp.
105. May, P. R. A. Treatment of Schizophrenia: A Comparative Study of Five Treatment Methods. New York: Science House, [1968]. 1st Edition. 352 pp.
106. McAuley, W. F. The Concept of Schizophrenia. Foreword by John H. Ewen. New York: Philosophical Library, [1954]. 1st Edition. 145+[1] pp.
107. McFarlane, W. R., ed. Family Therapy in Schizophrenia. Foreword and Afterword by C. Christian Beels. New York/London: The Guilford Press, [1983]. 1st Edition. xii+355+[1] pp.
108. McGlashan, T. H. & Keats, C. J. Schizophrenia: Treatment Process and Outcome. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, Inc., [1989]. 1st Edition. [xx]+207+[5] pp. УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ВІСНИК ПСИХОНЕВРОЛОГІЇ 46 — ТОМ 18, ВИП. 4 (65) — 2010 ОГЛЯДОВІ СТАТТІ
109. Mednick, S. A., et al., eds. Fetal Neural Development and Adult Schizophrenia. Issued in the series Longitudinal Perspectives in Schizophrenia Research. Cambridge, [England]: Cambridge University Press, [1991]. 1st Edition. xi+[1]+244 pp.
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137. Sakel, M. J. The Pharmacological Shock Treatment of Schizophrenia. Foreword by O. Pötzl. Translation by J. Wortis of Neue Behandlungsmethode der Schizophrenie, enlarged & with a new preface. Nervous and Mental Disease Monograph Series 62. New York/Washington, DC: Nervous and Mental Disease Publishing Co., 1938. 1st Edition in English. [First published 1935 in Vienna by Perles]. [xx]+136+[4] pp.
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