ГоловнаOur authors

Our authors

The author Address the Position of workplace E-mail
Safonov D. N.
Saidhodzhaeva Saida Nabievna Uzbekistan, Tashkent city a pediatric neurologist, assistant chair of "Neurology, Pediatric neurology and medical genetics" Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute doctor-saida1986@mail.ru
Saiko Oleksii Ukraine, Lviv Head of the Department of angioneurology of the clinic of neurosurgery and neurology Military medical clinical center of Western region
Sak Lesia Kyiv, Ukraine Assistant of the Department of Medical Psychology, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy О. О. Bohomolets’s National Medical University lesia.sak@gmail.com
Salden Viktoriia Ukraine, Kyiv Postgraduate Student of the Department of psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy State Institution "Research Institute of Psychiatry of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine" victoriasalden@gmail.com
Salieieva Antonyna Denysivna Ukraine, Kharkiv PhD in technical Sciences, Director Ukrainian Research Institute for Prosthetics and Rehabilitation risp@ukrpost.net
Salii Maryna Ukraine, Ternopil Postgraduate Student of the Department of Neurology, Psychiatry, Narcology, and Medical Psychology "I. Gorbachevskyy's Ternopil State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine", maryna_salii@ukr.net
Salii Zoia Ukraine, Ternopil MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Department of Neurology, Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Psychology State Higher Educational Institution "I. Ya. Horbachevskyi’s Ternopil State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine" zoia_salii@ukr.net
Salnikova V. Ukraine, Kharkiv State institution “Institute for children and adolescents health care of the NAMS of Ukraine”
Salo Sergiy Ukraine, Kharkiv Junior Researcher of the Department of child psychoneurology and paroxysmal states State Institution "Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine" (SI "INPN of NAMS of Ukraine") sergeysalo@ukr.net
Samoilova Hanna Ukraine, Kharkiv Assistant of Department of Neurology № 2 Kharkiv National Medical University samoylova-hanna@i.ua
Samoilova Olena Stepanivna Ukraine, Kharkiv MD, PhD, Leading Researcher of Department of Urgent Psychiatry and Narcology State Institution "Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine" (SI "INPN of NAMS of Ukraine") i_lіnskіy@yahoo.com
Samoilovа Olena Ukraine, Kharkiv MD, Assistant of Department of psychiatry, narcology and medical psychology . N. Karazin’s Kharkiv National University
Samokhvalov Valeriy Gavrilovich Ukraine, Kharkiv Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of physiology Department Kharkiv National Medical University vgsamokhvalov@yahoo.com
Samoylova Elena Ukraine, Kharkiv MD, Assistant of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Neurology and Medical Psychology of the Medical Faculty V. N. Karazin’s Kharkiv National University exses@email.ua
Samoylova Olena Stepanivna Ukraine, Kharkiv MD, PhD, Leading Researcher of Department of Urgent Psychiatry and Narcology State Institution "Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine" (SI "INPN of NAMS of Ukraine") i_lіnskіy@yahoo.com
Sarvir I. M.
Savchenko Olena
Savina Maiia Ukraine, Kharkiv MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Lecturer of Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Neurology and Medical Psychology V. N. Karazin's Kharkiv National University of Ministry of Education of Ukraine
Savka Svitlana Ukraine, Chernivtsi Assistant of the Department of neurology, psychiatry and medical psychology called by S. M. Savenko Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine “Bukovina State Medical University savka.svitlana@bsmu.edu.ua
Sazonov S. O.
Sazonov Sergiy Ukraine, Kharkiv MD, PhD, Senior Researcher of the Department Clinical, Social and Child Psychiatry State Institution "Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine" (SI "INPN of NAMS of Ukraine") sasazonovkh@gmail.com
Scheglov D. V. Ukraine, Kyiv State Institution "Research-practical Center of endovascular neuroradiology of the NAMS of Ukraine"
Scheglov V. I. Ukraine, Kyiv State Institution "Research-practical centre of endovascular neuroradiosurgery of the NAMS of Ukraine
Seleznova Sofia Ukraine, Donets'k MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Department of neurology an dmedical genetics M. Gorkiy’s Donets'k National medical University selezneva_sv@ukr.net
Seliukov Heorhii Ukraine, Kyiv MD, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology О. О. Bohomolets’s National Medical University doctor4147@gmail. com
Seliukova T. V.
Semchyshyn M. H.
Semchyshyn Myroslava Ukraine, Lviv MD, PhD, Physician-neuropathologist, Assistant of the Department of Neuropathology and Neurosurgery of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education Danylo Halytskyi’s National Medical University
Semeneko Andrii Igorovych Ukraine, Vinnytsya MD, PhD, assistant of the Department of surgery № 1 course of anesthesiology Pirogov's Vinnytsya National medical University seme nenko05@gmail.com
Semikina O. Ye.
Semikina Olena Ukraine, Kharkiv MD, PhD, Leading Researcher of the Department of Neuroses and Borderline Conditions State Institution "Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"
Serdiuk Oleksandr Berezivs'ke, Kharkiv region Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head Physician Clinical sanatorium "Berezivs’ki Mineral’ni Vody" berminvodu@mail.ru
Serhieieva Liubov Ukraine, Kyiv MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Lecturer of the Department of Life Safety and Physical Education State University of Telecommunications 19sergeeva.ljubov5383@gmail.com
Serhieieva Victoriya Ukraine, Irpin, Kyiv Region Family Doctor of the Family Medicine Outpatient Clinic №2 Municipal Institution “Irpin City Center of Primary Health Care” of the Irpin City Council of Kyiv Region sweaksea@gmail.com
Serhienko Oksana Viktorivna Ukraine, Kharkiv Director of the Department of scientifi c organization of neurological and psychiatric assistance, patent and license activities and information support State Institution "Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine" sofi -72@inbox.ru
Serikova O. S.
Seslavska Yevgeniya Ukraina, Dnipro Postgraduate Student of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Psychology Dnipro State Medical University
Shalabai Natalia Ukraina, Ternopil Assistant Professor of the Neurology Department I. Horbachevskyi’s Ternopil National Medical University shalabai@tdmu.edu.ua
Shamun Kamil Elias Anton
Shapovalov Valentyn Ukraine, Kharkiv PhD of Pharmacy, Associate Professor, Lecturer of Department of the medical and pharmaceutical law, general and clinical pharmacy Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education krisa83@bk.ru
Shapovalov Valery Ukraine, Kharkiv Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor, Head of the Department of Pharmacy Department of Pharmacy Department of Health Kharkiv Regional State Administration krisa83@bk.ru
Shapovalova Victoria Ukraine, Kharkiv Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor, Head of the medical and pharmaceutical law, and general clinical pharmacy Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education krisa83@bk.ru
Shapovalovа V.  O.
Sharan M. V.
Sharun A. I.
Shatillo Andrii Ukraine, Kharkiv MD, PhD, Leading Researcher of the Department of child psychoneurology and paroxysmal states State Institution “Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” shatil@ukr.net
Shebeko Serhii Ukraine, Kharkiv PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor, Lecturer of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacy National University of Pharmacy
Shestakova Maryna Ukraine, Odesa MD, PhD, Head of the day hospital Public Institution "Odesa Regional Center of Mental Health" m_shestakova@mail.ua
Shestopalova L. F.
Shestopalova Liudmyla Ukraine, Kharkiv Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Department of Medical Psychology State Institution "Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine" 6834101@ukr.net
Shestova О. P. Ukraine, Donets'k Donets’k National Medical University named after M. Gorkiy
Shevaha V. M.
Shevchenko Yuliya Ukraine, Dnipropetrovs'k Postgraduate Student State Establish ment "Dnipropetrovs’k medical Academy of Ministry of Health of Ukraine" j_shevchenko@ukr.net
Shevchenko-Bitenskyi  Kostiantyn Ukraine, Odesa Magister, Postgraduate Student of the Department of psychiatry, narcology with a course medical psychology Odesa National Medical University 380482@gmail.com
Shevchuk Mariana Ukraine, Kyiv Postgraduate Student of the Department of Diabetology Shupyk's National medical Academy of Post graduate Education marishe.23@gmail.com
Shkiryak Anton Ukraine, Kyiv Assistant at neurosurgical Department National medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P. L. Shupyk dr@shkiryak.com.ua
Shkoda Kostiantyn Ukraine, Kharkiv Physician-psychiatrist, Competitor for PhD degree Kharkiv medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
Shkolnyk Valerii Ukraine, Dnipro Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Neurology and Ophthalmology State Establishment "Dnipro medical Academy of Ministry of Health of Ukraine" valeriy_shkolnik@mail.ru
Shkrobot S. I.
Shkrobot Svitlana Ukraine, Ternopil Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Neurology, Psychiatry, Narcology, and Medical Psychology "I. Gorbachevskyy's Ternopil State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine shkrobot_svitlana@mail.ru
Shliakhova A. V.
Shlyakhova Anna
Shornikov Andrii Ukraine, Dnipropetrovs’k; assistant of the Department of psychiatry, general and medical psychology "Dnipropetrovs’k medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine" SE, shornikov@dma.dp.ua
Shpyloviy Yaroslav Ukraine, Lviv Assistant of the Department of Psychiatry, Psychology and Sexology Danylo Halytsky’s Lviv National Medical University
Shpylovyi Ya. V.
Shulga Lyudmila Ukraine, Luts'k Department of Neurology Luts'k city clinical hospital
Shulga Olena Ukraina, Kharkiv PhD, Physician-neurologist of the Polyclinic the Military Medical Service of the Military Medical Department of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Department of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Kharkiv Region shulga@ukr.net
Shulga Olga Ukraine, Luts'k MD, PhD, Regional Specialist in neurology Health Department in Volyn region shulgaolga@ukr.net
Shurma I. M. Ukraine, Kharkiv Kharkiv National medical University
Shusterman Tamara Ukraine, Dnipropetrovs’k; MD, PhD, assistant Department of psychiatry, general and medical psychology of "Dnipropetrovs’k medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine" SE kpomp@yandex.ua
Shuvera Elena Vladimirovna Ukraine, Kharkiv Competitor for PhD degree of Department medical and pharmaceutical Law, general and clinical Pharmacy Kharkiv medical Academy of Postgraduate Education krisa83@bk.ru.
Shykova  Viktoriia Valentynivna Ukraine, Kharkiv MD, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Psychology Kharkiv National Medical University shikova70@gmail.com
Shynder V. Ukraine, Poltava HSEIU “Ukrainian medical Stomatological Academy”
Shyrokov Oleksandr Ukraine, Dnipropetrovs’k Assistant of the Department of Psychiatry, general and medical psychology State Institution "Dnipropetrovs'k Medical Academy" shuravey@yandex.ua
Shуrokov A. V.
Sidorovich Emiliya Belarus, Minsk MD, PhD, Leading Researcher of the neurological Department State Institution “Republican Research and Practical Centre of Neurology and Neurosurgery” emili_sidor@tut.by
Silonov Serhii
Sincha K. A.
Sitenko Liubov Mykolaivna Ukraine, Kharkiv Junior Researcher of Department of Clinical laboratory diagnostics State Institution "Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine" (SI "INPN of NAMS of Ukraine")
Skorobogatova Olga Ukraine, Luhans'k Luhans’k State Medical University
Skovronska A. O., Ukraine, Ternopil Ternopil Regional Children Hospital
Skovronska O. N. Ukraine, Ternopil Ternopil Regional Children Hospital
Skrebtsova Hanna Ukraina, Kyiv Postgraduate Student of the Department of Medical Psychology, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy Bohomolets’s National Medical University skrebtsova79@gmail.com
Skrynnyk O. V.
Skrynnyk Olga Ukraine, Kharkiv MD, PhD, Senior Researcher of the Department of Clinical, Social and Child Psychiatry "Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the NAMS of Ukraine" SI olskrynnik@yahoo.com
Skrypnikov A. M.
Skrypnikov A. M.
Skrypnikov Andrii Ukraine, Poltava; Doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of psychiatry, narcology and medical psychology Higher State Educational Institution of Ukraine "Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy" skripnikovan@mail.ru
Skrypnyk Anna Ukraina, Zaporizhzhia Postgraduate Student of Departments of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, General and Medical Psychology, Narcology and Sexology Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University close2madness@gmail.com
Skrypnyk T. O.
Skrypnyk Tetiana Ukraine, Kyiv Postgraduate student of Department of Mental Disorders of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry State Institution “Research Institute of Psychiatry Ministry of Health of Ukraine” tatynaskrypnyk07@gmail.com
Skugarevskiy O. A. Belarus Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, President Belarusian Psychiatric Association
Skvira I. M. Belarus, Gomel Gomel State Medical University
Sliusar V. V.
Slobodianiuk Dmytro Ukraine, Vinnytsya Postgraduate Student of the Department of Medical Psychology and Psychiatry with the course of Postgraduate Education Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial medical University
Slobodin Tetiana Ukraine, Kyiv Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Neurology No. 1 the Shupyk’s National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
Slovesnov Sergey Viktorovich Yalta, Crimea MD, PhD, Senior Researcher of Department of functional diagnostic CRI "Sechenov's SRI of physical Methods of Treatment and medical Climatology ser-slovesnov@yandex.ru
Slusar Viktor Vasilyevich Ukraine, Kharkiv MD, PhD, Chief Physician, Lecturer of Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Neuro logy and Medical Psychology Public health institutions' "Kharkiv Regional Clinical Narco logical Hospital", Kharkiv National University named after V. N. Karazin gknb9@mail.ru
Slyusar Victor Vasiliovich Ukraine, Kharkiv MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Head Physician Kharkiv regional clinical narcological Hospital gknb9@mail.ru
Smirnova Marina Petrovna Ukraine, Luhans'k MD, PhD, assistant of Department of Family Medicine SE "Luhans'k State Medical University" sns60@rambler.ru
Smolanka Volodymyr vsmolanka@gmail.com
Soghoyan A. Armenia MD, PhD, President Armenian Psychiatric Association
Soia Olena Ukraine, Dnipro MD, PhD, Assistant of Department of Department of Internal Medicine № 2 State Establishment "Dnipro medical Academy of Ministry of Health of Ukraine" olenasoya@mail.ru
Sokhor Nataliia Ukraine, Ternopil' MD, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Neuro logy, Psychiatry, Narcology, and Medical Psychology State Higher Educational Institution of the "I. Ya. Horbachevskyi's Ternopil State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine" sokhor@mail.ru
Sokolik Victoria Ukraine, Kharkiv PhD in Biological Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of neurophysiology, immunology and biochemistry State Institution "Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine" (SI "INPN of NAMS of Ukraine") v.sokolik67@gmail.com
Sokolova Mariia Ukraine, Kyiv region, Vasylkivskyi district, Hlevakha Medical Statistician of organizational and methodical and consultative Department Communal Institution of Kyiv regional council “Regional psychiatric and narcological medical Association” glevakha@gmail.com
Solohub Veronika Anatoliivna Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department Pharmacy State Higher Educational Institution "Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University" nika.solo.if@mail.ru
Solovieva Anhelina Ukraine, Kharkiv MD, PhD, Deputy Head Physician Kharkiv regional children’s hospital number 1
Soloviova Anhelina Ukraine, Kharkiv MD, PhD, Deputy Head Physician Kharkiv Regional Children’s Hospital No. 1
Solovyovа Mariia Ukraine, Kyiv Postgraduate Student of the Department of social and clinical narcology Ukrainian Research Institute of Social, Forensic Psychiatry and Drug Abuse of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine solovyova.m@gmail.com
Son Anatoliy Ukraina, Odesa Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Head of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery Odesa National Medical University rvastyanov@gmail.com
Soroka  Volodymyr Viktorovych Ukraine, Donets'k psychiatrist Donets'k regional clinical psychoneurological Hospital — Medical-Psychological Center 39_9@mail.ru
Soroka E. G. Ukraine, Donets'k Regional clinical psychoneurological hospital — Medical Psychological Center
Sosin Ivan Ukraine, Kharkiv Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Narcology Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education iksosin@mail.ru
Spirina Iryna Ukraine, Dnipropetrovs'k Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department psychiatry, general and medical psychology State Establishment “Dnipropetrovs’k medical Academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine” psychiatry@dma.dp.ua
Stadnik Sergii Ukraine, Lviv Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of Department of resuscitation and intensive Care of the Cardiology Clinic Military medical clinical center of Western region deporss76@gmail.com
Stakhanov Kyrylo Ukraine, Odesa Assistant of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Psychology and Social Assistance Odesa National medical University stahanovkirill@gmail.com
Stanislav Groppa
Stanovskyi B.
Statinova Olena Anatoliivna Ukraine, Donets'k Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of neurology and medical genetics M. Gorkiy Donets'k National medical University sneuro@inbox.ru
Steblyuk Vsevolod Ukraine, Kyiv Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director General Directorate of Rehabilitation, Medical Care and Social Rehabilitation of Veterans of Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine doctorsteb@ukr.net
Stefan Strilciuc
Stepanchenko Kostiantyn Ukraine, Kharkiv MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Lecturer of Depart ment of Neurology and Child Neurology Kharkiv Medical Acade my of Postgraduate Education kosty0516@gmail.com
Stepanenko O. Yu.
Stepanova Iryna Viacheslavivna Ukraine, Kharkiv Translator of the Department of scientifi c organization of neurological and psychiatric assistance, patent and license activities and information support State Institution "Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine" internetda@ukr.net
Stetsenko Tetyana
Stoianov A. O.
Stoianov O. M.
Stoianov Oleksandr Ukraine, Odesa Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Neurology Odesa National Medical University anstoyanov@mail.ru
Stoliarenko Andrii Ukraine, Zaporizhzhia Assistant of the Department of psychiatry, psychotherapy, general and medical psychology, narcology and sexology Zaporizhzhia State medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine psy_zdmu2011@rambler.ru
Stoyanov Oleksandr anstoyanov@ukr.net
Strashok Oleg Ukraine, Kharkiv Competitor for PhD degree of Department Narcology Kharkiv medical Academy of Postgraduate Education oleg2086@bk.ru
Strelnikova Iryna Ukraine, Kharkiv MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Lecturer of the Department of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Psychology Kharkiv National Medical University
Stukan Liudmyla Viacheslavivna Ukraine, Vinnytsya MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Department of medical psychology and psychiatry Pirogov's Vinnytsya National medical University stukanludmila@mail.ru
Sukachova Olga Ukraine, Kharkiv assistant of Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Neurology and Medical Psychology V. N. Karazin's Kharkiv National University olga_sukachova@ukr.net
Sukhoivanova  Olena Igorovna Ukraine, Kharkiv MD, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology and Medical Psychology Kharkiv National Medical University sukhoivanova@mail.ru
Sukhonos Oksana Ukraina, Zaporizhzhia Physician-geneticist, Assistant of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine Zaporizhzhia State Medical and Pharmaceutical University ukhonos.o.c@zsmu.edu.ua
Sukhonosova Olga Yuriivna Ukraine, Kharkiv MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Department of Pediatrics and Child Neurology Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education vladol2007@mail.ru
Sukhorukov V. V.
Sukhorukov Viktor Ukraine, Kharkiv Junior Researcher of the Department of Neuroinfections and Multiple Sclerosis State Institution "Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine" vic_sheli@mail.ru
Sukhorukov Viktor Iv. Ukraine, Kharkiv Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Neuroinfections and Multiple Sclerosis State Institution "Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"
Suprun Elina Ukraina, Kharkiv Doctor of Medicine, Professor “Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the NAMS of Ukraine” SI elinasuprun202@gmail.com
Sviridyuk O. Е. Ukraine, Kyiv State Institution "Research-practical centre of endovascular neuroradiosurgery of the NAMS of Ukraine
Sydor Nataliia Dmytrivna Ukraine, Luts'k MD, PhD, Physician-cardiologist Volyn Regional Hospital nataliyasydor@ukr.net
Sydorenko Anastasiia Ukraine, Kyiv MD, PhD, Medical Psychologist State Institution "Scientifi c and Practical Medical Centre of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiosurgery of Ministry of Health of Ukraine" cardiodeti24@ gmail.com
Sydorenko Oleg Ukraine, Kyiv Researcher State Scientifi c Institution “Scientifi c and Practical Centre of Preventive and Clinical Medicine” of the State Administration olegsydorenko259@gmail.com
Syerikova O. I.
Syerikova Olga Ukraina, Kharkiv MD, PhD, Leading Researcher Department of clinical, social and child psychiatry of the State Institution “Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine” olserikova@yahoo.com
Sylenko Galyna Ukraine, Poltava MD, PhD, Lecturer of the Department of Nervous Diseases with Neurosurgery and Medical Genetics Higher State educational institution of Ukraine "Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy" vappol@rambler.ru
Syropyatov Oleg Ukraine, Kyiv Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor; Professor of the Department of Military Therapy (courses of psychiatry and psychotherapy) Ukrainian Military Academy of Ministry of Defence of Ukraine sog1952@list.ru