ГоловнаArchive of numbers2023Volume 31, issue 1 (114)Features of primary psychopathological disorders due to Coronavirus disease Covid-19
Title of the article Features of primary psychopathological disorders due to Coronavirus disease Covid-19
Authors Maruta Natalia
Fedchenko Viktoriya
Panko Tamara
Yavdak Iryna
Semikina Olena
Lapinska Oksana
Year 2023 Issue Volume 31, issue 1 (114) Pages 60-69
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.9-036.4-07-08:616.89-06 Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V31-is1-2023-9

 The purpose of the study was to study the features of primary mental disorders that arose as a result of coronavirus disease. In order to realize the goal of the study in the borderline psychiatry of the "INPN of NAMS of Ukraine" SI, 97 patients were examined for the first time psychic disorders suffered from Covid-19 and were exposed to the Sars-CV-2 pandemic stressors. The diagnosis was made taking into account the criteria of ICD-10 (F32.0 — F32.2 — 34 patients, F40 — F45—32 patients, F06.3 — F06.6 — 31 patients). It is established that the surveyed patients with neurotic, stress, and somatoform disorders indicators of objective and subjective assessment of the severity of anxiety indicate the importance for patients with this group of personal assessment of what is happening to them. The indicators of depression in these patients corresponded to “light” and “moderate level” — the average score in the group was 20.16 points. The overall level of depression in patients with depressive episodes (F32.0 — F32.2) and in patients with mental disorders of organic genesis (F06.3 — F06.6), on avera- ge, in groups corresponded to “moderate” depression level — average points on the MADRS scale. and 23.04 points respectively. For patients with Covid-19, anxiety disorders of varying intensity are characteristic. The highest alarm rates were observed in the group of neurotic patients, related to stress and somatoform disorders, which on average in the group correspond to a moderate level ((27.92 ± 3.42) points). The intensity of anxiety in patients with depressive episodes and mental disorders of organic genesis was in the range from mild to moderate ((23.09 ± 2.86) points and (24.58 ± 3.19) points, respectively). In the structure of anxiety disorders in patients with neu- rotic, stress, and somatoform disorders, somatic and vege tative symptoms prevail, significant differences are established between groups of patients with neurotic, stress, and somatoform disorders and patients with depressive episodes. ((1.56 ± 0.31) points and (0.39 ± 0.22) respectively, p ≤ 0.05), vegetative symptoms ((2.24 ± 0.34) points and (1,12 ± 0.27), respectively, p ≤ 0.01).
Key words primary psychopathological manifestations, consequences of COVID-19
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