ГоловнаArchive of numbers2021Volume 29, issue 3 (108)The effectiveness of the treatment of sleep disturbances in anxiety-depressive disorders of neurotic and organic genesis
Title of the article The effectiveness of the treatment of sleep disturbances in anxiety-depressive disorders of neurotic and organic genesis
Authors Liashchenko Yuliia
Yuryeva Liudmyla
Year 2021 Issue Volume 29, issue 3 (108) Pages 43-47
Type of article Наукова стаття Index UDK 616.89-008:616.8-009.836]-036.8-08:615.851 Index BBK -
Abstract DOI : https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V29-is3-2021-8

Sleep disturbance is one of the most frequent complaints of patients in general medical practice. The highest comorbidity of dysomnias was observed with anxiety and anxiety-depressive disorders. A bi-directional relationship has been found, suggesting that sleep disorders and anxiety-depressive disorders may aggravate each other, complicate treatment and provoke a relapse. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the treatment of sleep disorders in patients with neurotic and organic anxiety-depressive disorders. In order to reach this goal 120 patients with anxiety-depressive disorders with sleep disorders (60 patients with disorders of neurotic genesis and 60 — with isorders of organic genesis), who were divided into 4 groups according to the genesis of the disorder and the treatment regimen, were studied. The evaluation of the dynamics of sleep disturbance correction was carried out using clinical and psychopathological methods supplemented by the Insomnia Severity Scale (Morin Ch. M.), descriptive and analytical statistical methods. It was found that combined treatment (psychopharmacotherapy and psychotherapy) of sleep disorders in patients with anxiety-depressive disorders of neurotic and organic genesis was more effective compared to patients who received only pharmacological treatment aimed at the correction of the underlying disease.
Key words sleep disorder, treatment, anxiety-depressive disorder, organic anxiety disorder
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