ГоловнаArchive of numbers2018Volume 26, issue 2 (95)Features of functional associations of symptoms of anxiety and depression with a subjective picture of the life course in various forms of neurotic pathology
Title of the article Features of functional associations of symptoms of anxiety and depression with a subjective picture of the life course in various forms of neurotic pathology
Authors Panko Tamara
Bugakova Arina
Year 2018 Issue Volume 26, issue 2 (95) Pages 86-89
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.85-039-06:612.68:616.895.4: 159.96 Index BBK -
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of a subjective picture of life and its relation to the structure and degree of anxiety and depressive symptoms in patients with various forms of neurotic pathology. The results showed that a typical feature of representation of subjective picture of life in these patients were decline in optimism, activity and emotional richness of life. It was also found that in patients with neurotic disorders, who have high levels of anxiety and depression there were essential reduction of values of various components of the subjective picture of life.
Key words anxiety, depression, neurotic disorders, subjective picture of life course
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