ГоловнаArchive of numbers2017Volume 25, issue 2 (91)Depressive disorders in alcohol consumption with harmful consequences and alcohol dependence
Title of the article Depressive disorders in alcohol consumption with harmful consequences and alcohol dependence
Authors Napryeyenko Oleksandr
Napryeyenko Nataliia
Year 2017 Issue Volume 25, issue 2 (91) Pages 62-64
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.13-008.545-07-08 Index BBK -
Abstract Based on the analysis of the results of a dynamic survey of 65 alcohol users with harmful consequences (UAHC) and having symptoms of depression and 160 patients with alcohol dependence (AD) and depression, it is shown that these depressive disorders are characterized by polyethiology (endoform, exoform and heteroform) and diversity of symptoms and syndrome`s formation, comorbidity and polymorbidity. These disorders require early detection of their predictors (psychological and social) and clinical manifestations, long-term (no less than 6 months) phased complex personalized treatment, prophylactic and rehabilitation measures which consider the biological, psychological and social factors, composing the “vicious circle” in these pathological conditions. An important component of preventing AD formation is eff ective care complex for people with UAHC. In reforming of the system of psychiatric and narcological aid, should be taken into account the elements of “social discrimination” of these patients.
Key words alcohol use with harmful consequences, alcohol dependence, depression
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