ГоловнаArchive of numbers2015Volume 23, issue 1 (82)Neuropsychological disorders after isolated cerebellar infarction and their diagnostics with Stroop test
Title of the article Neuropsychological disorders after isolated cerebellar infarction and their diagnostics with Stroop test
Authors Mialovytska Olena
Trepet Hanna
Cynytskyi Ihor
Year 2015 Issue Volume 23, issue 1 (82) Pages 42-48
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.831.71-005.8-06+616.89-008-07 Index BBK -
Abstract This study determines the features of neuropsychological disorders induced by isolated cerebellar infarction and which are considered to result from damage in the neural circuit that links the cerebellum with the cerebral cortex. 25 patients with cerebellar infarction were examined in acute and recovery periods. All of them underwent neurological examination and MR imaging scan. Neuropsychological disorders were evaluated by the eff ect of word-color interference — Stroop test. The results showed that 23 of 25 patients after cerebellar infarction determined by such subclinical cognitive disorders as: the defi cit of selective attention, slowing of executive functions and decision making, fatigue and/or reduce of current capacity to inhibit specifi c processes, and were closely related to the dysfunction of the prefrontal cortex of associative areas of the frontal lobes of the brain. Cognitive impairment was combined with motor syndrome and was more pronounced in patients with the infarction in the territory of superior cerebellar artery in comparison with infarcts in the territory of posterior inferior cerebellar artery, although the difference was not statistically significant(p < 0.2). Prospective study at 3 and 12 months showed that cognitive function in patients was tended to improve. Our data suggest that Stroop test is an important psychometric method of diagnostics of cognitive impairment in patients with cerebellar infarction, but for a full assessment of higher mental functions it is expedient to combine with a battery of other tests.
Key words cerebellar infarc tion, cognitive impairment, diagnostics, Stroop test
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