ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 2(79)Inluence of derivate of 3,2’-spiro-pyrrolo-2-oxindole (com-pound r-86) at dynamic of the neurodestructive processes by acute cerebral ischemia
Title of the article Inluence of derivate of 3,2’-spiro-pyrrolo-2-oxindole (com-pound r-86) at dynamic of the neurodestructive processes by acute cerebral ischemia
Authors Bagauri Оlga Vitaliivna
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 2(79) Pages 22-24
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616-005.4:547.756 Index BBK -
Abstract In experiments on rats with model of acute disorder of encephalic cir-culation (20  minutes bilateral carotid occlusion with further reperfusion) were established that introduction of derivate of derivate of 3,2'-spiro-pyrrolo-2-oxindole (compound R-86) in dose 10 mg/kg in the treatment mode (in an hour after modeling of insult and further one time a day after every 24  hours during 21  days) comparing with intraperitoneal introduction of the citikoline (250  mg/kg) ei ciently reduces activity of the neuron specii c enolase which indicates weakening of the neurodestructive changes in the brain during therapy with investigat-ed substances. Obtained data experi-mentally prove expediency of further investigation of the mechanisms of the cytoprotector action of derivate of 3,2'-spiro-pyrrolo-2-oxindole (com-pound R-86) and further can become the basis for development of new do-mestic cerebroprotector.
Key words derivate of 3,2'-spiro-pyrrolo-2-oxindole, ischemic insult, neuron specii c enolase, cerebropro-tection
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