ГоловнаArchive of numbers2014Volume 22, issue 1(78)Dynamics of pathological craving for alcohol in persons with alcohol addiction resistant to therapy under inl uence of the sensibilizing treatment
Title of the article Dynamics of pathological craving for alcohol in persons with alcohol addiction resistant to therapy under inl uence of the sensibilizing treatment
Authors Artemchuk Kyrylo Anatoliiovych
Year 2014 Issue Volume 22, issue 1(78) Pages 102-106
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008-441.13-07-08-092-037 Index BBK -
Abstract The purpose of this study was to anal-yse the dynamics of the pathological attrac-tion to alcohol of persons with resistant to the treatment chronic alcohol dependence under the inl uence of sensitizing drugs.Three groups for observation were formed. These groups consisted of pa-tients with alcohol dependence who had been receiving one of the three treatment options: Disulfiramum in combination with psychosocial support according by "Brenda" method; Cyanamidum in combi-nation with a rational psychotherapy, and only the standard rational psychotherapy by "Brenda" method. The intensity and structure of patho-logical attraction to alcohol, as well as dynamics of its reverse development during the 3 months’ period of observa-tion was estimated using the Glossary by Cherednichenko-Altshuler. Research materials were processed by methods of mathe matical statistics (analysis of variance). It was revealed that any treatment contributes to the continuing reduction in the intensity of pathological attraction to alcohol. However, the most positive ef ect is provided by Cyanamidum intake, the advantages of which are associated with less expressed negative dyspepsia.
Key words alcohol dependence, resis-tant forms, therapy with sensitizing drugs, the dynamics of reduction of pathological attraction
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