ГоловнаArchive of numbers2013Volume 21, issue 1 (74)Presence of depressive episodes in anamnesis and current aff ective status of opioid addicted patients
Title of the article Presence of depressive episodes in anamnesis and current aff ective status of opioid addicted patients
Authors Druz' Oleg
Year 2013 Issue Volume 21, issue 1 (74) Pages 54-62
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.441.13-06:616.895.4 Index BBK -
Abstract The work purpose is estimation of infl uence of presence of depressive episodes in anamnesis on current aff ective status of opioid addicted patients during detoxication. The premorbid anamnesis (concerning formation of opioid addiction) of 270 opioid addicted patients, and 270 persons without signs of any dependence was investigated by method of the structured interview of respondents and their mothers about presence of depressive episodes diff erent severity levels (by criteria ICD-10). Then, by means of three widespread psychometric tools (scale Hamіlton-21, MADRS and HADS) current aff ective status of responders was investigated — twice (before and after detoxication) for opioid addicted persons, and once for persons without signs of any dependence. It is shown, that resistance of aff ective disorders of depressive circle which are observed during opioid withdrawal syndrome, in relation to therapeutic interventions, essentially depends on the aff ective status in premorbid. Than this premorbid was more adverse, current depressive disorders in structure of opioid withdrawal syndrome will be especially resistant.
Key words opioid addiction, anamnesis, depressive episode, current aff ective status.
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