ГоловнаArchive of numbers2024Volume 32, issue 3 (120)Research of the system of individual-typological features of personality in managers
Title of the article Research of the system of individual-typological features of personality in managers
Authors Lobasyuk Borys
Savostin Oleksandr
Bodelan Maksym
Zamkovaya Alona
Stoyanov Oleksandr
Year 2024 Issue Volume 32, issue 3 (120) Pages 54-61
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V32-is3-2024-9

Using Benton’s tests, pictograms, and the Minnesota multi-aspect personality questionnaire (MMPI), aspects of mental activity were studied in managers and in mentally healthy individuals. Relations formed between test scores were investigated using multiple linear regression and correlation. The indicators of the applied tests are revealed, both increased and decreased for managers compared to the norm. It was shown that managers showed more regression relations between the MMPI test indicators than persons in the control group. It is assumed that managers have a greater mental dimension than persons in the control group, which ensures an increase in personal potential. It can be assumed that managers’ mental activity (structure of the psyche) is more complex due to certain personality characteristics, due to the features of their work, and a higher level of intelligence and education, and a great life experience.
Key words managers, Benton’s test, icon, Minnesota Multifaceted Personality Inventory (MMPI), structural psychology
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