ГоловнаArchive of numbers2023Volume 31, issue 2 (115)Peculiarities of the motivational structure of the personality as a component of the individual model of psychological health in patients with depressive disorders
Title of the article Peculiarities of the motivational structure of the personality as a component of the individual model of psychological health in patients with depressive disorders
Authors Shestopalova Liudmyla
Maruta Oksana
Lutsyk Volodymyr
Buchok Yurii
Year 2023 Issue Volume 31, issue 2 (115) Pages 79-83
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 159.96:615-05:616.8-008.64 Index BBK -

 The purpose of this work was to study the motivational structure of personality as a component of an individual model of psychological health, a complex of basic psy- chological and socio-psychological factors associated with its formation in patients with depressive disorders and their sensitivity to psychocorrective measures. It was shown that the deformation of the individual model of psychological health is occurs in depressive disorders. This is manifested in the negative dynamics of the factors of humanistic, cre- ative and spiritual orientation, the decrease in the value of strategic planning, along with the growing need for social and family support, as well as the strengthening of the expres- siveness of individualism. Also, a significant decrease in the level of happiness was found in patients with depressive disorders. Along with this, such indicators of psychological well-being as “Management of the environment”, “Man as an open system”, “Balance of af- fect” and “Positive relations” were included in the diagnostic criteria of pathopsychological signs of patients with depressive disorders. The application of the method of psychological correction of the emotional state in patients with depressive disorders led to a significant increase in the level of happiness of such patients (by 36.94 %). The individual model of psychological health was also har- monized, which was manifested in an increase in the indicators of the “Strategic vector” and “Creative vector” scales (by 2.06 and 2.15 points, respectively), and a decrease in the “Prosocial vector” by 2.1 points. The components of psychological well-being most sensi- tive to psychocorrection were the scales “Balance of affect” (decrease by 8.32 points), “Management of the environment” (decrease by 9.71 points) and improvement of “Positive relations” by 11.14 points.
Key words depressive disorders, motivational structure of personality, level of happiness, individual model of psycho- logical health, psychological well-being, psychocorrection, emotional states
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