ГоловнаArchive of numbers2023Volume 31, issue 2 (115)Mental disorders in patients who have contracted the corona- virus disease COVID-19, the psychological aspect
Title of the article Mental disorders in patients who have contracted the corona- virus disease COVID-19, the psychological aspect
Authors Maruta Natalia
Fedchenko Viktoriya
Panko Tamara
Semikina Olena
Lapinska Oksana
Year 2023 Issue Volume 31, issue 2 (115) Pages 54-62
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-052:616.9-071-08 Index BBK -

 The purpose of the study is to study the psychological mechanisms of the development of mental disorders in persons who have suffered from COVID-19. 97 patients with newly diagnosed mental disorders included in the main group and 58 people without mental disorders (comparison group) who suffered from COVID-19 and were exposed to the stressors of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic were examined. Based on the analysis of psychological aspects in persons with primary mental disorders that arose as a result of the COVID-19 coronavirus disease and the stressors of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, certain features were revealed: it was proven that the factors of mental trauma play a significant role in the genesis of mental disorders; it was established that in the main group of examinees there was a probable decrease in the level of personal adaptation potential ((1.63 ± 0.21) stens) in comparison with the comparison group ((4.07 ± 0.48) stens, p = 0.0025)); features of the psycho- emotional state indicate the presence of emotional disturbances — lack of motivation for profes- sional activity, low tolerance to adverse work factors, high level of anxiety, hypochondriacal fixation, impaired sleep, decreased appetite; the structure of coping strategies in patients with depressive episodes was characterized by the predominance of coping strategies focused on emotions (76.47 %, p < 0.029); patients with neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders were characterized by a predominance of coping strategies focused on avoidance and emotions (53.12 %, p < 0.016 and 53.13 %, respectively); patients with mental disorders of organic genesis are characterized by a predominance of coping strategies focused on solving tasks (56.06 %, p < 0.035) and social distraction (45.16 %, p < 0.006); the overall integrative index of quality of life in the examined patients was low (47.59 ± 11.09). The obtained data will make it possible to increase the effective- ness of diagnosis, prevention and therapy of mental disorders, the formation, course and clinical picture of which were affected by the coronavirus disease COVID-19.
Key words Mental disorders, patients, coronavirus disease COVID-19, psychological aspect
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