ГоловнаArchive of numbers2023Volume 31, issue 2 (115)Comparative mathematical analysis based on the data history of nonhereditary risk and anti-risk factors between patients with sporadic and familial forms of multiple sclerosis
Title of the article Comparative mathematical analysis based on the data history of nonhereditary risk and anti-risk factors between patients with sporadic and familial forms of multiple sclerosis
Authors Negreba Tetiana
Voloshyna Natalia
Kirzhner Valery
Chernenko Maksym
Nikishkova Iryna
Voloshyn-Gaponov Ivan
Kutikov Damir
Gaponov Petro
Year 2023 Issue Volume 31, issue 2 (115) Pages 16-23
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.832-004.12:615.07 Index BBK -

 Objective. To identify nonhereditary risk and anti-risk factors in the development of multiple sclerosis (MS) according to premorbid history and lifestyle in patients with sporadic and familial forms of the disease using mathematical analysis. Methods of the study. questionnaire; methods of mathematical statistics (mean values, confidence interval); permutation test to quantify significant differences between the indicators in the study groups; odds ratio (OR) to determine the strength of the relationship between patients with dif- ferent forms of MS and premorbid history and lifestyle data. Results of the study. The study included 97 patients with MS: sporadic form — 55 (8 men and 47 women) with an average age of 47.8 years and disease duration of 15.7 years; familial form — 42 (10 men and 32 women) with an average age of 46.3 years and disease duration of 16.6 years. A comparative analysis was conducted between patients with sporadic (55) and familial (42) forms of MS; with relapsing-remitting (RR) in sporadic (31) and familial (20) forms; with progressive-type (PtP) in sporadic (24) and familial (22) forms. A comparative analysis of premorbid history and lifestyle indicators revealed their significant differences in different types of course in patients with sporadic and familial forms of MS. The high level of reliability of the indicators in the study groups allowed us to consider them as condi- tional risk factors (RF) and anti-risk factors (ARF) in the development of MS. In the general group of patients with sporadic form, multiorgan somatic pathology, allergic reactions and endocrine disorders prevailed; in the general group of familial form, cardiovascular diseases, chronic pathology of the ENT organs and viral infections were prevalent. In sporadic PTP, in contrast to RP, a signifi- cant variety of indicators was found, including somatic and infectious diseases, poor tolerance to hot weather, and lifestyle characteristics. In the familial form, in contrast to the sporadic form, lifestyle indicators prevailed in RP, while in PTP, viral and bacterial infections played a leading role. In the sporadic form, in contrast to the familial form, conditional ARF was obtained, indicating a healthy lifestyle in this category of patients. A significant prevalence of mean OR values for lifestyle indicators was obtained compared with the premorbid anamnesis: in the familial form of RP in the form of RF (insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals, diet with a predominance of meat and dairy foods, excessive coffee consumption); in the sporadic form in all study groups in the form of ARF (systematic exercise, balanced diet, sufficient intake of vitamins and mine- rals). mathematical studies, reliable indicators of premorbid history and lifestyle formed different structures of conditional Conclusions. Thus, according to the results of the clinical and RF and ARF, taking into account the form and type of MS course. This position is supported by the selective and differentiated distribution of conditional RF in RP and PTP in patients with familial forms, which opens up new therapeutic possibilities at different stages of the disease. Depending on the type of course, the treatment algorithm for pancreatic cancer in the familial form should be aimed at correcting lifestyle-related factors, while in PTP — at timely prevention and treatment of bacterial and viral infections. The presence of lifestyle indicators in the form of conditional ARF only in sporadic form indicates that the pathogenetic impact of nonhereditary ARF in familial MS is mainly controlled by genetic mechanisms responsible for the development of MS. The increase in the level of mean OR values for lifestyle indicators, in contrast to premorbid history, has important diagnostic and prognostic significance for this category of RF and ARF in the two forms of MS.
Key words multiple sclerosis, risk factors, anti-risk factors, mathematical analysis
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