ГоловнаArchive of numbers2023Volume 31, issue 2 (115)Analysis of the affective state and suicidal tendencies in persons with bipolar affective disorder who live in conditions of constant stress influence and have suicided in the past
Title of the article Analysis of the affective state and suicidal tendencies in persons with bipolar affective disorder who live in conditions of constant stress influence and have suicided in the past
Authors Pidkorytov Valerii
Syerikova Olga
Serikova Olga
Skrynnyk Olga
Year 2023 Issue Volume 31, issue 2 (115) Pages 63-68
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.8-008.64:616.89-008.441.44 Index BBK -

 The last few years of our existence are closely related to various situations that are very extreme for human social life. The article provides an analysis of the dynamics of affective symptoms and suicidal thoughts in patients with bipolar affective disorder who committed suicide in the past, and the impact on them of various types of psycho-traumatic situations, namely, quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic and military events in Ukraine. It turned out that the pandemic significantly affected the mood and increased the level of suicidal thoughts in the examined patients. With the beginning of the war adaptation mechanisms were actively involved in them, and the level of depressive affective thinking and suicidal thoughts decreased. But due to a pes- simistic vision of the future a high risk of suicidal behavior remained.
Key words bipolar affective disorder, suicide, stress
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