ГоловнаArchive of numbers2022Volume 30, issue 3 (112)Situational and personal anxiety among foreign applicants of medical education at different stages of education
Title of the article Situational and personal anxiety among foreign applicants of medical education at different stages of education
Authors Yuryeva Liudmyla
Shusterman Tamara
Podolska Liudmyla
Year 2022 Issue Volume 30, issue 3 (112) Pages 127-132
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 61:378.046-054.6:616.89-008:159.938.3 Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V30-is3-2022-95

 This article is devoted to identifying of the features of situational and personal anxiety among foreign applicants of medical education at different stages of education. 154 foreign applicants of the Dnipro State Medical University were examined, that, depending on the stage of studying, have been divided into two groups: foreign students of the preparatory department (group 1) and foreign ap- plicants of 1—2 courses (group 2). In the work we have used the method of semi-structured clinical interview with a questionnaire that was specially developed by us and The Integrative Anxiety Test (IAT) according to Bizyuk A. P. et al. It has been found that the most common diagnosis in the group 1 was Z73.2 “Lack of rest and relaxation” (36 %), in group 2 — F43.22 “Adjustment disorders, mixed anxiety- depressive reaction” (30 %) and R53 “Sickness and fatigue” (30 %). There was a tendency of a gradual deepening of the psychopathological process towards adjustment disorders during moving to the next stage of training. The analysis of IAT data has confirmed the obtained results. Thus, the highest level of anxiety has been observed in the applicants of group 2, physiological form prevailed more often in group 1, pathological — in group 2. A detailed research of the components of situational anxiety has shown that the studied ones from group 1 experienced low social security in 1.7 times more of- ten, the studied ones from groups 2 had an asthenic component of anxiety in 3.9 times more often. The assessment of the general indicator of personal anxiety has not shown a significant difference in all levels. It has been found that only the asthenic component in group 2 was in 3.2 times higher than in group 1. The obtained results have indicated the need for further development of differenti- ated measures of the correction and prevention of psychopathological disorders by reducing the level of situational and personal anxiety among foreign applicants at different stages of studying.
Key words foreign applicants, situational anxiety, personal anxiety, adjustment disorders, psychometrics
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