ГоловнаArchive of numbers2022Volume 30, issue 3 (112) - Abstracts The autonomic system role in the formation of chronic brain ischemia, disorders of cerebral hemodynamics, autonomic regulation
Title of the article The autonomic system role in the formation of chronic brain ischemia, disorders of cerebral hemodynamics, autonomic regulation
Authors Stoianov O. M.
Vastianov R. S.
Kalashnikov V. Y.
Son Anatoliy
Kolesnyk O. O.
Oliinyk S. M.
In the section NEUROLOGY
Year 2022 Issue Volume 30, issue 3 (112) - Abstracts Pages 39-40
Type of article Abstracts Index UDK 616.833.115:616.711.1 (075.8) Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V30-is3-2022-33

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