ГоловнаArchive of numbers2022Volume 30, issue 3 (112) - Abstracts Possibilities of correction of cognitive deficits in stroke in persons who have suffered from COVID-19
Title of the article Possibilities of correction of cognitive deficits in stroke in persons who have suffered from COVID-19
Authors Stoianov O. M.
Son Anatoliy
Kolesnyk O. O.
Bakumenko I. K.
Oliinyk S. M.
Dobrovolskyi V. V.
In the section NEUROLOGY
Year 2022 Issue Volume 30, issue 3 (112) - Abstracts Pages 40-41
Type of article Abstracts Index UDK 616.9-07:616.8(075.8) Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V30-is3-2022-34

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