ГоловнаArchive of numbers2022Volume 30, issue 2(111)The expediency of using the registry method for patients with epilepsy who were operated on due to pharmacoresistance
Title of the article The expediency of using the registry method for patients with epilepsy who were operated on due to pharmacoresistance
Authors Naboka Maryna
Year 2022 Issue Volume 30, issue 2(111) Pages 35-39
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.853:617-089:004.314 Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V30-is2-2022-5

 The number of epilepsy patients in Ukraine and in the world is increas- ing every year. And a large part of these patients are patients who need a surgi- cal method of treatment. However, there is no method of re- gistration such patients, which would provide an opportunity to adequately evaluate the results of surgical treat- ment of epilepsy, preparation for surgi- cal intervention, step-by-step examina- tion of the patient and, subsequently, the appointment of adequate АED therapy. From 2014 to 2020, information was collected from 3 leading neuro- surgical centers of Ukraine, which are engaged in surgery for drug-resistant epilepsy. 359 patients who had a drug- resistant form of epilepsy were operated on during this period. However, there was and is not any information about the effectiveness of treatment, the fur- ther course of the disease in such pa- tients and information about the treat- ment of attacks after surgery. Our team decided to develop a register of patients who were oper- ated on due to drug-resistant epilepsy. Firstly, a questionnaire was created, which includes detailed information on the onset of the disease, its course, treatment, and information on diagno- sis. This questionnaire became the basis for the creation of an electronic regis- ter of operated patients with epilepsy, which allows you to conveniently and quickly enter all patient data into an electronic database. The created register is extremely important and expedient at a time when the number of patients with epi- lepsy who are operated on due to drug resistance is constantly increasing.
Key words epilepsy, pharmacoresi s-tance, registry, surgical treatment, ques-tionnaire
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