ГоловнаArchive of numbers2022Volume 30, issue 2(111)Need-emotional component in the pathogenesis of comorbid neurotic and addictive disorders
Title of the article Need-emotional component in the pathogenesis of comorbid neurotic and addictive disorders
Authors Denysenko Mykhailo
Year 2022 Issue Volume 30, issue 2(111) Pages 45-49
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89-008.447:616.85 Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V30-is2-2022-7

 The article is devoted to the analy- sis of the features of the need-emo- tional sphere of patients with neu- rotic disorders with addictions in their structure. The relevance (level of satis- faction) of the basic needs of the pa- tients' personality and the structural features of their need-emotional space are analyzed: the intensity of needs, their emotional content and correla- tion with specific situations, in par- ticular with the situation of use and illness. It has been determined that neurotic illness and addictive behavior realize different needs: in anxiety-pho- bic disorders, the basis of the neurotic state is the tension of the needs for se- curity and rest, and addictive behavior is the need for communication and positive impressions; in dissociative disorders, a neurotic illness actuali- zes the need for communication and impressions, and the basis of addic- tive behavior is the need for rest and safety; in case of neurasthenia, neu- rotic illness and addictive behavior are options for getting out of the state of psycho-emotional distress, but due to the realization of different needs: a neurotic state — needs for rest, ad- dictive behavior — needs for com- munication.
Key words neurotic disorders, ad- dictive behavior, comorbidity, need- emotional sphere
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