ГоловнаArchive of numbers2022Volume 30, issue 2(111)Evaluation of therapy targets in recurrent depressive disorders
Title of the article Evaluation of therapy targets in recurrent depressive disorders
Authors Maruta Natalia
Panko Tamara
Semikina Olena
Zavalko Yurii
Year 2022 Issue Volume 30, issue 2(111) Pages 54-60
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.8-008.64-08 Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V30-is2-2022-9

 According to the WHO, more than 350 million people suffer from depres- sive disorders. The etiology and pathogen- esis of depressive episodes and recurrent depressive disorders have not yet been definitively established. The formation of depressive disorders is due to a com- bination of such factors as biological (constitutional and genetic), psychological and social. Taking into account the level of prevalence of depressive disorders, the assessment of their clinical and psy- chopathological features and approaches to their therapy continues. In order to de- termine the targets of thera py for recur- rent depressive disorders, an examination of patients with recurrent depressive dis- orders was conducted. In the conditions of the Department of borderline psychiatry of the "Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology of the NAMS of Ukraine" SI: 175 patients with recurrent depression were examined, among them 74.85 % were women and 25.15 % were men. The ave- rage age of the examinees was 46.79 years (women — 52.25, men — 41.32). Based on the assessment of clinical and psychological manifestations of recurrent depressive disorders and psychopatho- logical aspects, the targets of therapeutic influence are established: the severity of a depressive episode (mild, moderate, severe), the specificity of psychotraumatic experiences, parameters of anti-vitality and vitality, structural features of adaptation potential.
Key words recurrent depressive disorder, clinical and psychopathological features, targets of therapy
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