Title of the article Gender features of depressive disorders
Authors Atramentova Lyubov
Linskiy Igor
Utevska Olha
Maruta Natalia
Kolyadko Svitlana
Yavdak Iryna
Year 2021 Issue Volume 29, issue 1(106) Pages 23-28
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.895.1-055 Index BBK -

In order to study the role of gender characteristics in the development of depressive disorders on the model of the population of the Kharkov region, an analysis of the incidence, frequency of depression and the age of disease manifestation was carried out. Summarizing the presented data, it should be noted that the structure of the incidence of depressive disorders is characterized by the predominance of women. The ratio of males and females for most forms of depression (F32, F33, F34) is 1 : 2.86—3.44 (among patients with bipolar disorder (F31), the prevalence of women is less — 1 : 1.38). The incidence of depressive disorders in the population was 0.21 %. In all the years studied, the cumulative frequency of depression in the female part of the population was 1.4—2.4 times higher than in men, which gives grounds to consider the female gender as a factor of increased risk of the formation of depressive disorders. The study of the age of manifestation and the peak incidence in the gender aspect showed that depression in men is associated with an earlier manifestation (10—14 years) and a maximum incidence at the age of 45—49 years (in women, the corresponding periods were recorded at 15—19 years and 50—59 years). Considering depressive disorders as a multifactorial disease. It should be emphasized the likelihood of a more severe course in men and less pronounced in women. The severity of the patient’s illness forms a differentiated risk for the patient’s relatives. Relatives of a patient with a severe form and early manifestation have a higher risk. The data obtained are important for practical genetic and clinical and psychopathological prediction.
Key words gender characteristics, depressive disorders, morbidity, frequency, manifestation, prognosis
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