ГоловнаArchive of numbers2021Volume 29, issue 1(106)Forensіc psychіatrіc evaluatіon of persons who have sexual offenses
Title of the article Forensіc psychіatrіc evaluatіon of persons who have sexual offenses
Authors Kozeratska Olena
Year 2021 Issue Volume 29, issue 1(106) Pages 32-35
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.89:340.63-611.3(4) Index BBK -

Purpose: this research is devoted to solving scientific and practical problems, which is to develop forensic-psychiatric expert evaluation of persons who have committed sexual offenses. The author analyzed 287 sub-experts who committed sexual offenses and were on forensic psychiatric examination (FPE) at the Kyiv City FPE Center, during the period 2000— 2015 (16 years). Research methods used in the work: information-analytical, socio-demographic, clinical-psychopathological, experimental-psychological, expert, situational analysis, statistical. In the group of “limitedly sane” compared to “sane”, sub-experts significantly prevailed, in whom aggressive- violent psychopathological motivation was combined with the satisfaction of a perverted sexual desire. In the group of “sane” compared to “limitedly sane” the sub-experts with selfish, aggressive, selfish-violent motivations significantly prevailed. The majority of subjects found a compulsive sexual perversions (91.8 %): 65.8 % of subjects suffered from pedophilia, exhibitionism — 13.7 %, gerontophilia — 4.1 %, necrophilia — 1.4 %, sadism — 5.5 %. The majority of subjects were mentally healthy (71.2 %). In 13.7 % of cases, organic brain damage of residual genesis, personality disorder was observed in 5.5 % of cases, mild mental retardation — 5.5 %, dependence syndrome due to alcohol consumption — 4.1 %, simple schizophrenia, incomplete remission — 1.4 %.Most subjects did not have comorbid pathology (58; 79.5 %). The criterion for the use of coercive medical measures in the form of referral to a specialized institution for mental health care is the recognition of a person as “insane”, the provision of compulsory outpatient care — “limitedly sane" and suffering from a sexual desire disorder. The conducted research and the received results allow to improve forensic psychiatric expert research, cause increase of its quality and provability of expert conclusions, which is an additional guarantee of human rights protection, prevents unjustified appointment of re-examination, shortens the time of expert research.
Key words sexual criminal offenses, sanity — limited sanity — insanity, forensic psychiatric examination, coercive medical measures, sexual desire disorders</div>
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