ГоловнаArchive of numbers2021Volume 29, issue 1(106)Clinical-phenomenological structure and age-related features of the course of the disease in adolescence with mild mental retardation
Title of the article | Clinical-phenomenological structure and age-related features of the course of the disease in adolescence with mild mental retardation | ||||
Authors |
Chabaniuk Serhii |
Year | 2021 | Issue | Volume 29, issue 1(106) | Pages | 36-41 |
Type of article | Scientific article | Index UDK | 616.899-07-053.6 | Index BBK | - |
Abstract |
Among the forms of mental pathology
that are found in childhood,
a special place is occupied by mental
retardation, which makes a significant
contribution to the rates of morbidity
and disability.
In order to establish the patterns
of the clinical-phenomenological
structure and age-specific course
of the disease in adolescence with mild
mental retardation, on the basis of the
Kryvyi Rih neuropsychiatric dispensary,
a two-stage clinical-epidemiological,
clinical-psychopathological and psychodiagnostic
study of 154 people
born in 2003—2008 with mild mental
disorders was carried out.
According to the results of the
study, it was found that the presence
of mental retardation in most
cases was diagnosed in the period
of 7—10 years (29.8 % of cases), and
in almost a third of all examined
(29 %)
this diagnosis was combined with
concomitant psychiatric, neurological
or somatic pathology, which just
led to a deterioration in the general
course of the disease. In 63 % cases
there was a burdened family history,
in 81 % — obstetric. In addition, a direct
correlation (r = 0.498) was found
between the level of development
of social skills and the preservation
of the intellectual level.
Thus, it is possible to identify risk
factors for the occurrence of mild
mental retardation: male sex, family
history (primarily addiction states),
parents’ age over 30, their low educational
level, pathological period
of pregnancy and delayed psychomotor
development in the first year
of life. The level of social adaptation
of patients depends on the depth
of the intellectual deficit, long-term
treatment and rehabilitation interventions,
psycho-educational activities
for parents and relatives, the
organization of assistance in finding
a job and medical support can increase
the level of social adaptation of this
Key words | mental retardation, social adaptation, psychoeducation, rehabilitation, psychiatry. | ||||
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