ГоловнаArchive of numbers2020Volume 28, issue 4 (105)Concentration of iron in traumatic brain injury of mild and moderate severity in acute, intermediate and remote periods in victims of peaceful territory and fighters of the Joint force operation
Title of the article Concentration of iron in traumatic brain injury of mild and moderate severity in acute, intermediate and remote periods in victims of peaceful territory and fighters of the Joint force operation
Authors Semchyshyn Myroslava
Year 2020 Issue Volume 28, issue 4 (105) Pages 30-33
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.831-001.34-036.18-036.11/.112-07:616.152.72-07 Index BBK -

Promising pathogenetic direction in terms of traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the study of the peculiarities of mineral homeostasis, in particular, iron metabolism (Fe). In fact, this article is devoted to the study of its content in the serum in different periods TBI of mild and moderate severity in victims of peaceful territory and fighters of the Joint forces operation (JFO). The biological role Fe in the body is extremely multifaceted. Iron is necessary for the transport of oxygen, synthesis of hemoglobin and DNA, is part of enzymes and proteins, participates in oxidative reduction reactions of the body. The results of the study of serum Fe content in 283 patients in the peaceful territory and in 218 JFO fighters of brain injury are presented. Revealed a relationship between Fe deficiency and the development of the main clinical symptoms of trauma.
Key words iron, traumatic brain injury, acute, intermediate and remote periods, victims of peaceful territory, fighters JFO
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