ГоловнаArchive of numbers2020Volume 28, issue 3 (104)The structure of heredity factors and their relationship with clinical and psychopathological manifestations of patients with recurrent depression
Title of the article The structure of heredity factors and their relationship with clinical and psychopathological manifestations of patients with recurrent depression
Authors Maruta Natalia
Kolyadko Svitlana
Atramentova Lyubov
Utevska Olha
Fedchenko Viktoriya
Yavdak Iryna
Denysenko Mykhailo
Year 2020 Issue Volume 28, issue 3 (104) Pages 51-57
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616-056.7-06:616.895.4-008.47-07 Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V28-is3-2020-8

The article presents the features of the structure of heredity factors and their influence on the clinical and psychopathological image of recurrent depression. The study involved 87 patients with recurrent depression. Based on the results of socio-demographic, clinical-genealogical, clinical-psychopathological, psychometric studies, a high level of family related depression factors were established at all stages and levels of relationship in the genealogy of patients with recurrent depressive disorders. It is shown that in the proband genealogy, there is a high percentage of observed patients mainly of the 1st degree of relationship, by a psychiatrist. Among the inherited burden of somatic pathology in the genealogy of patients with recurrent depressive disorders, hypertension, heart disease and endocrine pathology prevail. When analyzing the information obtained, it was determined that the proportion of factors such as observation by a psychiatrist for the 1st and 2nd degrees of relationship, depressive disorders mainly for 2nd degree of relationship, suicidal behavior for the 1st and 2nd degrees of relationship and the predominance of recurrent disorder in the clinical picture of hypochondriacal and apathetic syndromes, affects the course and clinical picture of recurrent depression. The information received should be considered as diagnostic and preventive measures in the provision of care for this category of patients.
Key words recurrent depressive disorders, hereditary factors, environmental factor
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