ГоловнаArchive of numbers2020Volume 28, issue 3 (104)Risk factors for the development of cerebrovascular disorders in patients after cardiosurgical interventions
Title of the article Risk factors for the development of cerebrovascular disorders in patients after cardiosurgical interventions
Authors Mishchenko Tamara
Mishchenko Vladyslav
Zdesenko Iryna
Kharina Kateryna
Year 2020 Issue Volume 28, issue 3 (104) Pages 16-20
Type of article Scientific article Index UDK 616.85-039:616.89-008.447:001.8 Index BBK -
Abstract DOI: https://doi.org/10.36927/2079-0325-V28-is3-2020-3

 The article is dedicated to the study the risk factors of cerebrovascular disorders development after cardiosurgical interventions. It was shown that the most significant factors are: arterial hypertension — 100.0 %, hypercholesterolemia — 100.0 %, multiple lesions of the brachiocephalic arteries (73.3 %) and arteries of the lower extremities (26.7 %), type II diabetes mellitus (53.3 %) and renal failure (40 %), the presence of bad habits associated with chronic intoxication (46.7 %), psychoemotional overstrain (76.7 %), the impact of surgical techniques interventions and the presence of chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency in patients which sent to the operation. A complete laboratory-instrumental and neurological preoperative examination, an adequate assessment of the cerebral hemodynamics system creates the basis for reducing postoperative cerebral disorders and the basis for the development of a complex of preventive measures.
Key words risk factors, cardiosurgical interventions, cerebrovascular disorders
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